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Fake news

By Anonymous - 15/08/2021 15:01 - United States - San Bruno

Today, I had to submit references so my anatomy/physiology teacher might acknowledge that tetanus is not the same as muscle cramps, and correct the lesson that's been in place for six years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 148
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a dumb ****! Everyone knows that muscle cramps is "tight-a-ness" not tetanus. Tetanus is ringing in the ears.

I know that. It's funny when after you call someone a dumb ****, you say something dumber.


What a dumb ****! Everyone knows that muscle cramps is "tight-a-ness" not tetanus. Tetanus is ringing in the ears.

Jon Tessler 14

tetanus IS NOT ringing in the ears. you're thinking of Tinnitus

I know that. It's funny when after you call someone a dumb ****, you say something dumber.

And it's even funnier when you have to explain a joke because people don't understand parody.

a fellow redditor? if this was reddit I can only imagine the crazy thread this would create lol trying to outdumb one another haha.

Sometimes teacher are just plain dumb. I had a math teacher that was trying to show an example of and exponential curve with a bouncing ball. Rather than plotting height versus number of bounces, she just plotted initial height vs rebound height and made the points closer together for each bounce. Try as I might she never got that she was just drawing the line y=0.5x, and just said “it’s zoomed in but would look curved if you plotted more.”

Sorry I did you tetanus or tinnitus? Ones a type of infection caused by things like rusty nails and one is ringing in the ears, either way neither is muscle cramp haha

Nikki 17

So you’d assume they meant tetanus then right? Seeing as neither relate to muscle cramps you’d have to go with the one OP wrote and not bring up another irrelevant one

Advance 56

I guess the right word is "tetany".