By Anonymous - 04/11/2010 23:54 - United States

Today, my 5 year old-son and I went out for a walk. As I was looking in a shop's the window display, I turned around to see my son pooping into an open manhole on the street. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 767
You deserved it 9 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cdatribe23 0

hahaha sounds like my sister... she's 14.

giantsfan2010 23

I really hope you punished him for that.



Your kid is so smart! Hey, at least he didn't crap on his pants.

Just sent the poop directly to the source haha. This kid just cut out the middle man

Wait. What? You let your kid wander around unsupervised near an open manhole cover?!! You want to thank your lucky stars that this is something you can laugh about at his 21st, not explain to people at his funeral.

Seriously! The kid could've fallen in! Less of a "FML" and more of a "Thank God my son didn't die due to my negligent lack of supervision!" At least he hasn't died YET.


Maybe the kid was too smart to fall in? << Hell didn't want him, that's the real reason. >xD

if he makes it to his 21st, if op doesn't start paying attention who knows what danger he may end up in "/

Spot on as usual, zebidee. Letting a five year old wander into a street while you stare in windows is a sure sign of a terrible parent. I can't think of a single exception to that. Open manhole just adds to the glory of your moment, OP. It may be better if you just hand the kid over to the child welfare people now and save them the effort of having to pick him up in a few months.

dcice13 0

thank you. I thought that same thing first. your lucky he didn't fall in. you would no where he went

Epikouros 31

Maybe it was a manhole on the sidewalk and he didn't fall in because he was still holding his mother's hand.

I know some of these FML stories are fake. This one sounds hard to believe.

ydi for not watching your child. I realize kids run off, but if you guys were that close to a street, especially one with an open manhole, you probably should have been holding his hand. just be glad he was pooping and not falling in. he could have died.

you deserve it for being a bad mother

FYLDeep 25

Why is there just an open manhole in the street? You would think that it would be blocked off it it was being accessed. Sounds dangerous.

ydi.. you are the one raising him.. and apparently also the one who didn't have an eye on him..