By ThisPerson - 19/05/2011 10:11 - Canada

Today, my 53 year-old art teacher told me she's excited about going clubbing this weekend. I'm excited about watching a special on the History Channel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 265
You deserved it 6 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SMGnow 0

it's ok man histo channel is COOL

iAmScrubs 19

If you turn on the discovery channel there will be a special about her. The Cougar is on the prowl.


perdix 29

"Age ain't nothin' but a number" is a lie because it's not even a number. You're a young old fart, while your teacher is a old young person. You'll be dead long before her regardless of when you literally stop breathing.

Egnar 19

She'll be dead first [I understand we're talking about it figuratively] because the things she enjoys are different than the things her older teacher enjoys? The FML here is weird because it's not that the OP is upset that she isn't going out drinking/clubbing - She's upset because she perceives what she likes as being too different from her generation and what her teacher likes as being in line with what is expected of her. . .Regardless of what you do, as long as you enjoy it you're still [figuratively] breathing.

In your defense, the History Channel has some pretty bad-ass specials. Dogfights of the Future kicked far too much ass.

Egnar 19

Last time I went to a club with a friend because he was meeting up with some girl he found on the internet I spent 10 minutes in the club to have a beer than went back to my car to watch Despicable Me on my Itouch until he was done being a guido. They both came back to my car to say my night must of sucked but frankly, Despicable Me is too awesome a movie to care about wasting a night out.

If it's the Gettysburg special then I'm beyond excited! History Nerds Unite!!!!

I love History Channel specials and HATE clubbing. Sweaty guys rubbing their genitals on you without your permission no matter how much you say "No, I don't want to dance with you" isn't my idea of fun.

ReynshineCutting 10

Not to mention getting puked on or drinks spilled on you. And the hangover the next day? Forget it!

Egnar 19

It's just as bad for guys [well guys whom aren't as you described] - At least in my area most girls go with their boyfriends, the single girls are incredible dirt bags looking for free drinks and 100% of the time you're on your guard for some jackass to start some kind of fight with you for no reason. I can't stand those places at all - Sit me down in a nice Irish Pub to play some darts and I'm happy.

ReynshineCutting 10

Dude you're my hero. Despicable Me is AWESOME. Hmmm. I just got an idea! Light bulb! I am now going to go load it on my iPhone since I have the disc. Then I shall go search for that damn pyramid....

clubbing sucks. you don't have to like the things people say you have to like.

your grandmother goes clubbing ? cool grandmotherr;)

what's wrong with that I love the history channel