By Anonymous - 10/06/2009 13:12 - United States

Today, my adorable five and a half year old boy told me that when he grows up he's going to be my boyfriend. I thought it was kinda cute until I asked him why. "Because you need one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 466
You deserved it 50

Top comments

The 5 year old doesn't think like we do. Our minds are perverted and know what boyfriends and girlfriends do (have sex); however, the 5 year old doesn't. All he knows is that boyfriends and girlfriends love each other... And is it that wrong that a 5 yr old loves his mom? You people need some serious ******* help.

lovemyE8 0

This happened to a girl friend of mine, except the boy is 3 and he said "When I grow up I want to marry mommy." She said, "Oh, that's so sweet . . ." He says, "And I'll yell at you all the time just like Daddy." FHL


fksfsdhfsdfh 26

This is so cute and innocent. The boy doesn't know that it is not acceptable for a son to be a boyfriend to a mother yet. He just knows that his mother does not have a boyfriend. The illustration captures the mother's expressions quite nicely!

doglover100 28

I learned in psychology that Freud said that little boys develop crushes on their moms.

You had a kid so why should it bother you