By Anonymous - 10/06/2009 13:12 - United States

Today, my adorable five and a half year old boy told me that when he grows up he's going to be my boyfriend. I thought it was kinda cute until I asked him why. "Because you need one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 466
You deserved it 50

Top comments

The 5 year old doesn't think like we do. Our minds are perverted and know what boyfriends and girlfriends do (have sex); however, the 5 year old doesn't. All he knows is that boyfriends and girlfriends love each other... And is it that wrong that a 5 yr old loves his mom? You people need some serious ******* help.

lovemyE8 0

This happened to a girl friend of mine, except the boy is 3 and he said "When I grow up I want to marry mommy." She said, "Oh, that's so sweet . . ." He says, "And I'll yell at you all the time just like Daddy." FHL


lol, this is gold. And the illustration reminds me of the korean webtoons.

I wanted to marry my mom when I was about four, this is something kids say because they love their parent and doesn't really understand the meaning of a relationship between adults. In the end thou, very few want to marry their parent when hitting puberty.

Just realize that you have quite possibly the best child in the world not only was that cute but he also (probably) cares for you

God damn kids being right and shit.....