By AnonymousAmber - 31/10/2014 23:10 - United States - Yadkinville

Today, my best friend told me that she was a virgin again because she hadn't had sex in 6 months. She's 19 and actually believes it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 169
You deserved it 2 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pwnman 33
moonstar986 5

The whole concept of born again virginity is idiotic. Once it's gone you can't get it back


Are you sure she's serious? I've said something like this as a joke before.

Well then...she might need to read over a few things

adnanrm18 12

that's a special kind of stupid right there...

I bet that's how some guy convinced her to have sex with him.

As someone in the medical profession I can tell you that hymns do not in fact repair themselves to "good as new". Now if the person was never fully penetrated and it only caused a small tear yea the hymn will partially fix it self but it will never go back to how it was before. But once someone has had sex with complete penetration and that hymn is torn it will never go back. It cannot. The only way for you do have a perfectly intact hymn again is with special surgery.

#46- If you're in the medical profession, then you'd know that it's called a hymen and not a hymn. A hymn is a song, not a vaginal membrane. But, you're right about it not growing back. Anyone who believes that is a complete moron.

46- It's quite worrying that you're "in the medical profession" and referring to a hymen as a "hymn". Also I'm pretty sure that the hymen doesn't tear for everyone even with full penetration, for some people it just stretches.

I'd be the first one to admit that I'm a grammar nazi, but even I would have put that down to a combination of quick typing and autocorrect.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

6 months makes you a virgin again? Wonder what that makes me after three and a half years.

And this bothers you because...? Y'all are acting like she's getting anything besides some personal happiness from claiming to be a virgin again.