By Anonymous - 06/05/2014 23:28 - United States - Elmwood Park

Today, my best friend wanted to see what my new boyfriend looks like. By chance, he'd sent me a Snapchat a few minutes before, so I opened it to show her, only to see that it was a dick pic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 564
You deserved it 45 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wasn't that the reason snapchat was made?

dancingprancer 6

opening snapchats in front of people can be risky! especially if you have weird friends like me lol


For a girl this is an fml, for a guy it would just be an awesome story

well did your friend confirm that your bf is a dick...

Well, she did say she wanted to see what he looks like. XD maybe as a joke, ask her to specify next time!