By Caro38 - 07/05/2014 05:10 - China - Wuhan

Today, as I'm a blonde expat in China, I'm used to people taking pictures of me in the street. Nevertheless, I was surprised when someone climbed over the toilets in a mall to take a picture of me as I was changing my tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 872
You deserved it 64

Top comments

That moment when you can tell the admins are already getting tired of repeating themselves.


Haha! Theres a shortage on personal stories! We gotta be more enviromental and recycle.

That moment when you can tell the admins are already getting tired of repeating themselves.

CliffyB03 28

Every time I see you I pronounce your name as "Uhlawn" for whatever reason. just thought I'd let the world know.

Not enough new content is being submitted so FML is recycling old material as "new" to keep the website looking active

Not when it was what?! Oh the suspense!

Zero personal space perception ... I noticed that working with Chinese co-workers

lexiieeex3 32

And just like that a line is crossed...

Rawrshi 25

Basically someone living in a country where they don't have citizenship. Usually temporarily.

Just to add to that, it's short for ex-patriot and can often be long term, not necessarily temporary.

andrmac 25

A white immigrant that feels that would be disgusting to be called an immigrant.

35, immigrants become citizens in their new country. Expats retain their citizenship from their country of origin.

It is short for expatriate no ex-patriot. I burst out laughing when I read that.

I'm so sorry about this! That is really rude!

I guess they wanted to know if the carpet matched the drapes.

I had a similar experience as a man in China where guys would look over the stalls to "get a look at me." I felt it was more curiosity than anything else so I didn't get overly offended, but it is creepy, and surprising, as hell.