By SOILEDIT - 24/10/2015 03:03 - United States - Washington

Today, my bio teacher decided to put a plant in his classroom, and I'm allergic to it. Apparently, my hives and runny nose aren't enough to convince him to get rid of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 882
You deserved it 1 720

SOILEDIT tells us more.

I've talked to an administrator and they said they will do something about the situation, just to let you guys know.

Top comments

Schools have to keep it safe for the students, talk to the department head or someone else to get it removed

do the best for yourself & your classmates and burn the classroom


I'm not really sure to be honest with you, he put it there for decorational purposes. It was pink and it looked like a 5 pointed star.

Hey OP, that's a stargazer lily. I have purchased those before because they looked pretty, and later had to put them outside when they drove my allergies crazy! They are notorious for doing that to people. :/

Ah, thank you. That looks a lot like the one in his room.

You thought of it the same time as me xD well a little before

Where's the off button on this thing?

I've talked to an administrator and they said they will do something about the situation, just to let you guys know.

aeryn97 17

in the meantime go to the pharmacy as there is OTC medicine that will help.

When I was in middle school, I was allergic to the cleaner that they used on the desks. So I was told to mark every desk that I sit at with a blue post it note and they said they'd use a different cleaner on those (not that it would help cuz it was in the air, but it was a start). A few weeks later, I realized they had just stopped cleaning any of the desks I sat at. So here's to hoping your school administration doesn't suck like mine did!

You can claim that your teacher is causing an unsafe learning environment because they're refusing to remove something that is causing you to have allergic reactions.

I'm glad you are getting something done. A doctor's note might be worth knowing. And if you have only just found out you are allergic, keep a record of the plant's name so you can avoid creams and things with it in.

amberdea404 28

Maybe try to move furthest away, you could get a note and show to the principle.