Bunch of bankers

By skippydoda - 25/06/2019 12:35

Today, I went to the bank to open an account. It took hours for them to tell me that I needed my driver's license, passport, and residency paper. I returned with the documents. They then said that they couldn't help me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 720
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you walked into a bank, expecting to open an account with no documents on you whatsoever? And when you were refused, you didn't ask to speak to someone higher up than the teller? Seems odd they'd just reject your business for no reason.

I feel that maybe you're leaving out some crucial details.


So you walked into a bank, expecting to open an account with no documents on you whatsoever? And when you were refused, you didn't ask to speak to someone higher up than the teller? Seems odd they'd just reject your business for no reason.

I feel that maybe you're leaving out some crucial details.

I guess they are not... ...wait on it... ...interested.

Hopefully, they're not the only bank in town....

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt It does sound a lot like me, as an x-pat, trying to open a bank account. Problem is that most employees at banks don't know what the requirements are to open a bank account in their own bank.

We called the bank to ask what documents I would need. I was told that I would only need my passport and a phone number. I had both of those. When I got there the manager just kept telling me "No" and wouldn't give me information. The only person who would talk to me kept leaving to help someone else. They finally gave me the information, went home, went back and they wouldn't help me because "they couldn't speak English" even though I was asking in Chinese. I can't go to another bank because my company will deposit to that bank. I have to wait until next week and try another branch but the next one that's near me is 45 minutes on the metro.