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By HauntedTwilight - 12/08/2016 02:55 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my bitchy manager got back from vacation. To be nice, I asked her how it was. She said "not long enough". I mumbled "I agree". She definitely heard. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 12 225
You deserved it 5 324

HauntedTwilight tells us more.

Haha op here! This was a few months ago. Said manager WAS walking away - but you can only but so much into one fml story. All she said was "I agree on that!" So I'm assuming she took it as me literally saying she didn't get a long enough vacation (thinks she sits on a throne). She knows she's a bitch. 4 people quit the past two weeks because of her. (Numerous employees did the whole hr thing / labour board - didn't work) She's very vindictive over small things, calls people out in front of other employees and customers, gossips about all the employees, tries to pin her mistakes on you and worst blackmails and manipulates peolple, etc. The list goes on. She's a monster. THANKFULLY she's due for another vacation soon. If there wasn't so lack of jobs where I live, I'd be walking out of there with the other 4.

Top comments

okamiyazaki 8

You sure you're not the bitchy one?

Either you should've kept your mouth shut or you should've said it when she was gone. YDI.


Either you should've kept your mouth shut or you should've said it when she was gone. YDI.

okamiyazaki 8

You sure you're not the bitchy one?

There's no vacation like the boss being on vacation.

Well she should take that as a hint then...

She sounded to be speaking casually to you, why did you snap?

Haha op here! This was a few months ago. Said manager WAS walking away - but you can only but so much into one fml story. All she said was "I agree on that!" So I'm assuming she took it as me literally saying she didn't get a long enough vacation (thinks she sits on a throne). She knows she's a bitch. 4 people quit the past two weeks because of her. (Numerous employees did the whole hr thing / labour board - didn't work) She's very vindictive over small things, calls people out in front of other employees and customers, gossips about all the employees, tries to pin her mistakes on you and worst blackmails and manipulates peolple, etc. The list goes on. She's a monster. THANKFULLY she's due for another vacation soon. If there wasn't so lack of jobs where I live, I'd be walking out of there with the other 4.

If this is all true, why not file a complaint (sorry if I sound like a noob I'm only 14 haha) :P

Yikes. I'm sorry you have to deal with someone like that. But that being said, making snide comments most likely won't make her treat you any better. I know it's difficult not to, but as the old saying goes: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't day anything at all.

Haha true - i thought she was far enough away / didn't say it too loud. But after that I noticed she hears freaking everything. Customers were whispering about her beside me one day when I was waiting on another customer (that's an entire different storm there - the complaints against her from them alone should get her fired but they don't do anything to her) and they weren't far from her - but talking quite low and she just glared at them and said "are you finished?"

You can always try finding a different job while still there, and quit if you find one.

Considering you still have a job, I wouldn't feel too bad. Everyone has mumbled something less than polite under their breath at some point.

Oh I've been trying - for a year now. For some reason this posted I live in Ontario. I'm in NS - where there is literally no work aside from retail jobs with extremely, extremely little hours (12-15 at most. Very part time). I work 35-40 a week thankfully making above min wage, so to find something the same or better is a very rare thing here in town. I've been sticking it out for the past while. She actually wasn't bad when I first started - but she's made it pretty clear of her true colours. But, what can ya do haha

cheshireau 26

Buy her a ***** and tell her to lighten up hahaha

Sounds like maybe she has some kind of protection from getting fired, if jobs are hard to find it shouldnt be hard to replace them. To me that is one of 3 options: 1) some family relation that keeps her safe 2) She ***** her boss 3) She got other info that her boss wants to keep her quiet on.

Wow, sounds like my old boss. Good luck finding another job!

Out of those 3 options - probably number 3 ? She's way, way way older than the boss / you can't work there if family members work there.

Lol my dad had nearly the same problem. Do you work at Nuance?


nykkilynn16 7

Is her name Maureen? My boss from HELL.

Lol sounds like my old boss. I thought i left drama land back at high school but it only followed me at work. Corporate refused to fire her because she was the lowest paid GM they ever had and didn't think they would find another.

redcode5 17

You walked into that one, but I guess both your jobs must be pretty bad.

I think you're being hypocritical OP

called her boss bitchy, and then made a remark behind her back. not saying I agree, just stating how it could be thought