By ragingwaffles - 13/08/2014 04:25 - United States - Chico

Today, my blind date thought the best way to start off is to show up blind drunk. She ended up puking on the table and leaving me to pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 251
You deserved it 3 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well thats one way to make an impression.

And it's times like this you are so glad it was just a date. FYL, at least you don't have to see them again.


sourgirl101 28

All I can think of is-- I hope she wasn't the one driving intoxicated to and from that blind date.

olpally 32

I understand having a drink or two to loosen up the nerves, but full on drunk? Sheesh. Lol. That's why I'll never go on blind dates, the risk is higher then reward.

Good thing she did this during a date. Who knows what things she could have done if you guys ever hooked up

saIty 17

Maybe something similar to an old fml which ended with a psycho female wrapping her leg around OP and screaming "BE MY BABY'S DADDY"

RedPillSucks 31

By your username, did she have blue waffle also??? (If you don't know, just go to urban dictionary and look up "Blue Waffle" Preferably during a meal)

JCal585 8

F her life, clearly she has issues.

sammieshortcake 15

Definitely wouldn't have paid her portion of the bill! She isn't your responsibility. Let her figure out how to handle paying the check/leaving without paying.

Hold up. Besides that she was drunk, a guy is supposed to pay on a date? At least as far as I know. As far as her being drunk, FYL

I'm guessing that she was really nervous and took a drink to calm her nerves. before long she was in too deep.

She took the literal meaning of blind, easy mistake to make....