By crapules - 23/12/2008 04:18 - France

Today, my boss asked me, "Can I give you some constructive criticism?" I said yes. He told me, "Your work is really shit. You have no talent and I can't figure out why I hired you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 978
You deserved it 3 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can retort: "I find you unmotivating and unskilled as a manager. You have no people skills and require a stronger mouthwash. A good manager can facilitate anyone. You are a poopy-head."

Apparently you were wrong, he can't give you constructive criticism.


Did you ask him what he didn't like about any of your work

Hey you stupid ***** who feel sorry for this guy, have you ever heard of a man named Steve Jobs? That was his management style and his teams put out the best products out there. Grow so balls and work harder.

This might be a possible management style, but I would never call that "constructive criticism". He should have asked "is it okay if I totally destroy your confidence without telling you what I think you did wrong?"

A pot plant is a potted plant, what else would you call it? -.- oh dear

And that, my friend, is what you call destructive criticism.

lilmissliyah 11

That's not constructive criticism. This is constructive criticism, Your hair looks really nice. You seriously have no talent and I don't know why I hired you. Your clothes look AMAZING!