By crapules - 23/12/2008 04:18 - France

Today, my boss asked me, "Can I give you some constructive criticism?" I said yes. He told me, "Your work is really shit. You have no talent and I can't figure out why I hired you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 978
You deserved it 3 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can retort: "I find you unmotivating and unskilled as a manager. You have no people skills and require a stronger mouthwash. A good manager can facilitate anyone. You are a poopy-head."

Apparently you were wrong, he can't give you constructive criticism.


you should use that advice to your advantage.

for what? my god, people try to sue over ANYTHING these days.

runtothehills 0

well, at least we are suing and not smoking weed.

you can't sue your boss because YOU have a shitty work performance.

Adam_B 0

That's the point at which you offer to eave if you're such a problem. Of course, being that it's so sudden, maybe 3 months' severance with ful benefits? I think when someone says something like that, he's trying o get you to quit because lots of places, it's real hard to fire someone. Good compromise is mutual resignaton with benefits.

22cute 17

That rarely happens in the US. The benefits & severance pay.

You can retort: "I find you unmotivating and unskilled as a manager. You have no people skills and require a stronger mouthwash. A good manager can facilitate anyone. You are a poopy-head."

tbeaun 0

Does this guy sugar-coat everything??

Apparently you were wrong, he can't give you constructive criticism.

I can only hope to be like him one day

Agreed. Well if he at some point in his life went trans-gender that is.

prettygirlsonly 0

#8 So, you hope you can be a complete ignorant... thts not the way to treat human beings and its not, obviously, the way to motivate your employees. About the FML: WHT A JERK!

fear_is_here 0

I'm sorry I didn't think you'd put it on the Internet oh well thou do suck your fired

lives_ppl 0

lol i love how you wrote this with such awful spelling and grammar