By wantsleep - 28/12/2016 08:25

Today, my boss continues to think it's appropriate to send me whining texts about work at midnight. Or 4 a.m. I think his complaints about not selling as much candy as he expected can wait till work hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 776
You deserved it 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's texting you at 4 am, he's probably eating too much candy. Or snorting it.

Tell your boss that you would be more than happy to receive texts from him outside of work hours provided that he has you being paid a percentage of your salary while you are on On Call Status, pays your phone bill, and pays you your full hourly rate anytime he sends you a work related text. Try going to HR, or your bosses supervisor to get him to stop.


andrewpm91 10

Tell your boss that you would be more than happy to receive texts from him outside of work hours provided that he has you being paid a percentage of your salary while you are on On Call Status, pays your phone bill, and pays you your full hourly rate anytime he sends you a work related text. Try going to HR, or your bosses supervisor to get him to stop.

<p>Depending on the country its illegal to bother employees after work hours. if thats the case in your country i'd file a complaint.</p>

what your boss is doing is highly inappropriate..than again, you can personalize the ringing settings of his messages setting them to night shift on your phone so they don't make a sound during sleeping hours..