By meaganlea - 23/02/2010 05:17 - Canada

Today, my boss made me some tortellini for lunch. As I was happily eating it, he started to give me a massage, while talking to his friends in Greek. He told me that he said "She's my #1 cashier." Turns out, what he really said was "See, if you feed them well, they let you touch them." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 021
You deserved it 6 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

immafiremylaser 0

Why were you not put off by the initial fact that your boss was giving you a massage? And how did you find out? Did his friends tell you? Do you speak Greek, OP?

Well, OP, apparently he wasn't lying, since you let him do it. I would never let any of my bosses touch me like that. It's not like you can claim sexual harassment, considering it seemed like you enjoyed it until you realized he knew the true way into your little shell.


Gavik 0

Well, apparently it's true. *****.

LOL #62 #39... where the hell do you get your information from? majority of your comments are just plain stupid and make no sense. and if you're trying to be funny isn't working for you.

Apotheosis5267 0

LMAO XD That guys A Pimp Named Slickback xP

Apotheosis5267 0

Get away. Far, far away and fast. You never know if he'll put something in your food next.

Today, my boss made me suck on his canoli... lol

lol this is funny but your boss is a perve

Society today is so uptight about appearance. If a girl has a nice set of **** we as men should be allowed to make it known to the people around us. If girls did not want us to stare at thier **** and ass then they would not wear the clothes that they do. I think the guys aproach was bad, he should have spilled food on OP's cleavage then offered to clean it up, But saying things in other languages is a pussy move. at least say it in english. Girls like when you talk to them like that... soooooo YDI for for having nice **** and showing them off...

you're a moron. **** were not mentioned at all in the fml, nor was it inferred that op was flaunting her body. but good luck getting a girlfriend with that kind of logic. we women just LOVE having food thrown on our chests and to be spoken to like ****** at work, how did you know!

You call me a moron but your profile picture just proves my point even more.

your point can't be "proven," let alone furthered by my profile picture, because it's a completely invalid, vapid, and irrelevant OPINION. let me know when you find a girl that your methods work on, okay? i'd love to meet a girl with self-esteem that low.

Then why is it that all the jerks have all te girls and the nice guys have internet ****? Girls like it when they are treated like shit and told what to do. If that not true then there would be lines of girls waiting for the next available nerd. How many nerds have you turned down just so you could screw a jock?

ohh, now i get it! you were scorned by a pretty girl in the past and now you're going to blame ALL pretty girls for your pain, right? now every female you're interested in has to bear the burden of your ignorance just because you got your heart broken. grow up. stop making assumptions about me and who i've dated, you're so far off-base it's laughable.

pendulum2012 0

DudeSkidmark is obviously still in high school if he catergorizes everyone as "nerds" and "jocks" and thinks that "all nice guys have internet ****." Once you get out into the real world, you realize that the world isn't black and white. Your dumb high school labels don't apply in real life. Dudeskidmark probably spends all day on the internet and doesn't talk to anyone, and then wonders why he cant get a girl. Get a life.

First. You are not the least bit attractive. far from it in fact. So refering to yourself as an attractive or "pretty" girl makes you sound conceited and is far from the truth. And yes I have had my heart broken, But who hasnt? Why would you think that my current g/f would have to suffer for that? Second Since the beggining of time man has always been the agressive one when it came to females. Every since the bashing over the head with a club days man has always been the one to make the first move in almost any situation. Its clear that the OP's boss is attracted to her and is not man enough to tell her that in english so he had to say something degrading in another language to get his point across. I am not afraid to point these things out. I am also not afraid to say what is on my mind which most people are afraid to do. So continue to live in your dream state where people are always polite and men are not always perverts. They might not say it but I promise you they are thinking it.

I might come as a suprise to you but I have a g/f. What better way to classify people then Nerds and Jocks? Do you have a better. How about Low self confidence and high self confidence people is that politically correct enough for you?

scorchster 0

okay, I honestly beg to differ with the beginning of #98. (heh.) but anyway, why did you feel the need to go off into irrelevant tangents? the make your side seem more believeable? it actually did the opposite.

scorchster 0

Okay sorry I was talking about #97 I think.

scorchster 0

Well now I can't find that nevermind. lol.

ahahahha, if a socially awkward pig such as yourself doesn't find me attractive, i guess i should consider myself lucky since i don't run the risk of idiots like you throwing food on me as some retarded mating ritual. i'm willing to bet my left tit that you don't have a girlfriend and never have. do you have adhd or something? you don't seem to be able to stick to one topic. you came out of nowhere saying it's op's fault for "having nice **** and showing them off" when at no point in time **** were mentioned. then you defended that ludicrous statement by accusing me of only dating jocks? "I am just sure I am much more respectful to others and much more rational of a thinker then some guys I see girls choosing over me." really now, asshole? gosh, all your posts have made that so obvious! there's nothing more respectful than disrespecting a woman, gee romeo i think i'm falling for you already

Stop feeding the troll. and one-titted women aren't quite as attractive. I guess that's why you won't update your profile picture.

scorchster 0

Okay, prove how I am an asshole. You cant. jeez quick to judge much?

scorchster 0

oh. but I'm the one you quoted, and then you said something about being an asshole so yeahh.

i'm sorryyy that was my mistake then, i thought it was that skidmark prick's comment. you can see where i'm coming from if you imagine it was from him

scorchster 0
Angi95 3

I'm not saying what he is saying is completely true, but some girls have it coming to them with the cloths they wear. Also alot of girls go after the assholes rather than the nice guy. Me it depends on the guy but I can't stand airheads.

pendulum2012 0

ISwag maybe you could get a girl if you spent less time on the internet with profile pictures of you making kissy faces. That's a big deal breaker. I bet you have an overdecorated Myspace with tons of other dumb pictures and crappy music.

good food and a massage? I'll take it! :-D ...maybe not from my boss though