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By KaylaRox1908 - 10/04/2016 20:12 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my boss praised me for always ranking first at work and how she hopes I keep it up for a long time. I then had to awkwardly hand her my letter of resignation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 971
You deserved it 1 922

HappyItalian tells us more.

When she told me this it was at the end of the work day so I had no other choice but to give it to her at that moment because my shift was over. This job was in retail and this particular store ranks all their employees together from all of their stores across Southern Ontario. I only worked there for a couple of months and it was my first job, so my coworkers grew to take advantage of me or try to stop my sales (yes, they found a way), so that's why I quit. To those of you saying I should've gotten a letter of recommendation: my boss no longer works there and has been replaced by one of those said coworkers! Oh well.

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

That's just bad timing but neither of you could have done anything to make the situation less awkward. Good for you for sticking with your guns and not just staying there out of obligation. It probably took a lot to hand her that letter knowing it would be weird for the both of you but doing it will only open up better possibilities for you in the future.

Coming from being a manager, I know exactly how yours is feeling right now. "Oh ****, what am I going to do now" Congrats op I hope you found a better job that works for you.


Ouch that's unfortunate but I'm sure your boss understands that this stuff happens. If you were working hard and ranking so highly I can only assume you loved your job and in that case hopefully it was an amicable resignation!

This is actually a coincidence because I'm about to quit my current job.

Oh wow you and OP have so much in common. It's not like anyone ever changes their jobs. #twinsies

What a coincidence I have a job! #soulmates

Coming from being a manager, I know exactly how yours is feeling right now. "Oh ****, what am I going to do now" Congrats op I hope you found a better job that works for you.

lexiieeex3 32

That's just bad timing but neither of you could have done anything to make the situation less awkward. Good for you for sticking with your guns and not just staying there out of obligation. It probably took a lot to hand her that letter knowing it would be weird for the both of you but doing it will only open up better possibilities for you in the future.

I would love to see both of you two's reactions.

lifegavemelemonz 4

How is this a FML? Please explain! The fact that you're receiving praise from your boss signifies you have your shit together. The fact that you're resigning signifies you have options. Stop pretending to have an effed up life.

ulissey_fml 22

At least you proved her right, if you found a new job it is probably because you were a good applicant. If she was clever enough to see your worth, she is also clever enough to understand you need to move on and work on your career.

I know that feeling. At the last job I worked my manager put me on the schedule two weeks in a row after I had resigned. She kept forgetting because I was actually one of the few who did shit. XD