By Anonymous - 07/05/2014 20:57 - India - Kundan

Today, my boss was fired by the board. A few days ago, he dropped several strong hints that he was going to promote me soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 439
You deserved it 3 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's always the chance you'll still get promoted; just to his position.

#3: Because I'm lame and have no life.


tayymeds 23

Just prove it to your new boss.

Not trying to unrealistic here, but what if he knew he was going to lose his job and tried to convince the board into letting you fill his position?

plot twist: he was messing around with you because he knew he was gonna be fired.

This might sound wierd, but to me OP sounds at fault because it's not like OP lost his job or got downgraded. I understand how that is a disappointment because he must have worked hard for a promotion, but imagine how stressed the boss now feels. He just lost his job. He had bills to pay, too. I know it's not the main idea of the post but it's just how I see it, like how we always look for how we are affected by someone else's problem

Unfortunately, if we always took perspective of other people's problems, we'd be too busy feeling sorry for them to get anywhere ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating being a self-centred jerk. I just feel that you have to take care of your interests first. If you want to help others, taking care of your own issues before helping is better than helping others first with problems weighing you down. To the actual FML, maybe your boss knew he was going to be fired and knew you'd be the replacement? Unlikely, but possible if he was generally a decent person!

RedPillSucks 31

How would OP be at fault? Unless OP somehow caused the board to fire his boss?

I not saying it's OPs fault that the boss got fired, I'm saying maybe he shouldn't be that self centered and should've been more concerned for the boss.

Just cause you got fired doesn't mean you won't get promoted

I think it's just on the corner.wait for another chance.

That really sucks; pretty much the exact same thing happened to my wife. I feel ya, OP.

graphicstyle7 17

Something similar but even more bizarre happened to me, TWICE! I received a job offer from a client; accepted the first one, went on vacation before giving notice at my current job; guy who offered me the job was fired while I was away, HIS boss rescinded the offer. Second time, different client, received an offer, before I was even able to accept it, guy who offered me the job was fired, and that was that. So, I feel for you. That really DOES suck. Hope something even better comes along for you. Good luck!

A paranoid person would start to think that people were getting fired for hiring him/her.

RedPillSucks 31

Hopefully you broke the trend and have a job now...