By Anonymous - 07/05/2014 20:57 - India - Kundan

Today, my boss was fired by the board. A few days ago, he dropped several strong hints that he was going to promote me soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 439
You deserved it 3 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's always the chance you'll still get promoted; just to his position.

#3: Because I'm lame and have no life.


If you keep up the good work, you could still get a promotion by the new boss. Don't give up, OP! :)

On the bright side, his position is now available. If you impressed him, you could also impress the board and take his job. Best of luck, OP.

just when you thought you caught a break.. aint that life though?

you got promoted. that job was no good

Well, these things happen. Sorry OP. But on the bright side, there's a chance that you could get your old boss's job. :)

just hope that the reason why they fired him wasn't the intended promotion...

Now is an opportunity to ask for his position. Go for it op! Good luck.

the questions still wonders me does your boss knows about your promotion than getting a notion that he will get fired...