By Anonymous - 07/05/2014 20:57 - India - Kundan

Today, my boss was fired by the board. A few days ago, he dropped several strong hints that he was going to promote me soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 439
You deserved it 3 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's always the chance you'll still get promoted; just to his position.

#3: Because I'm lame and have no life.


kellyem2 20

Well, hopefully whoever moves into his spot will realize your good work and have the same idea.

If the company sees your hard work and agree you'll get it if not your new boss (unless you get it) might promote you

sexyboi1985 27

Did I write this? Seriously, though, I was in the same situation myself a month ago, and what do you know: I DID get passed over for that promotion. Which I'm still bitter about; I've worked there 5 years, and the person who got the promotion instead was a new hire... Yeah, F both our lives.

Well, hopefully your new boss can see why the old boss wanted to promote you, good luck OP