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By Touriste26 - 07/03/2016 03:50 - Republic of Panama

Today, my boyfriend and I are going on vacation to Panama. When we landed, our suitcases were missing and the airline has no clue where they are. It’s 32 degrees Celsius outside, and all we have is our winter jackets and a pair of jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 751
You deserved it 131

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it was cold where they were flying from, so they had their winter clothes on. Then they arrived in their warm destination with the impression they would have suitcases full of shorts and t-shirts to change into aaand - cue FML

I would be raising hell. Alternatively, do you have some cash to maybe get more comfertable clothing while they find your luggage?


I would be raising hell. Alternatively, do you have some cash to maybe get more comfertable clothing while they find your luggage?

delfino1604 24

why would you wear a winter jacket to Panama?

it was cold where they were flying from, so they had their winter clothes on. Then they arrived in their warm destination with the impression they would have suitcases full of shorts and t-shirts to change into aaand - cue FML

just contract your travel insurance they have budgets for this you are allowed to spend (do make sure you have the official papers from the airport that your suitcase has gone missing usualy a PIR-file) and they will declare this money with the organisation you're traveling with. usualy it is approximately 50 euro a day a person to purchase basic needs like a toothbrush, bikini, shorts etc. it sucks but don't let it spoil your holiday :)

Do they have shops in Panama? I wonder how much does a pair of shorts, t-shirts, and swimwear cost? Do you need anything more?

No, they don't have shops in Panama. If you want anything, throw a coin into the wishing well and scream your demand loudly. Then it magically appears. The last time I tried to order **** was a little awkward. It kept giving me a female cow, when I asked for reverse cowgirl sex style ****. So yeah, it's a little tricky but it works most of the time.

And I thought I was sarcastic. Slow clap, Sir.

I live in Panama! It's honestly really hot when it doesn't rain, but thankfully we've just entered the rainy season so if you know which places to freeload AC from (read: malls, stores, etc) then you're pretty much okay. Contact your flight agency ASAP before the employee(s) that stole your bags turn up mia. Also if you have little cash on you, Albrook Mall is the best to get the cheapest of clothes. Cheers!

I didn't know we already concluded that the employees stole the bags.

It's probably a common occurrence in Panama, if a native assumes this is the reason. I've heard that that happens in a lot of the less well off countries. Especially if the scan reveals expensive items like scuba gear or electronics.

#10 it is what most likely happened, actually. I've unfortunately had my bags "misplaced" several times, once actually stolen. If they don't get the opportunity to, our bags are taken back to us mysteriously missing their locks.

I'm surprised you didn't pack a change of clothes into your carry on luggage. Doesn't everyone do this?

sniped me ;) I was like two seconds too slow. I need more coffee. Have a great day

Next time pack a set of clothes in your carry in maybe?

You did bring money, right? Buy some shorts and tanks and flipflops. Can't be more than twenty bucks for the both of you. Give the bill to the airline.

Why would you wear winter jackets on a plane going to Panama? Are you idiots?

Probably so they don't freeze on the way to the airport in their home country? You know, depending on the hemisphere you live in, the season might be different from yours. The southern hemisphere is in mid winter right now.

You could've worn t-shirts underneath your winter clothes and kept shorts in your carry-ons. Even if you got your suitcases it'd still suck getting off the plane & waiting to find a place to change into those clothes. You need to keep your destination in mind when you dress for your flight.