By Tattooed_Blonde - 20/01/2010 12:09 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to have a little "fun" in our secluded backyard. It was only after we had finished that we noticed the three little girls, who live next door, jumping up and down on their trampoline, with their mouths wide open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 232
You deserved it 26 979

Tattooed_Blonde tells us more.

Okay guys settle down. We were caught up in the moment and we figure at first they were only peeking over the fence, and then started jumping. Oh gosh, don't be such prudes :D

Top comments

nickharbut 6

haha wouldn't you hear the trampoline noise? lol

YoungE 0

how the hell do you miss three girls ?


dochoc_fml 0

Now they know where babies come from

poor kids are probably messed up now lol

maybe the girls werent on the trampoline when op

Why would you call someone a ***** for doing something legal on her own private property? She has every right to assume nobody is rude enough to stare at her in her secluded yard. You're quite judgmental, aren't you?

now I know why youngsters learn these things at such a young age!

Ha ha that sucks, FYL. Though seriously, "secluded" places outdoors aren't always. Check your surroundings!

Oh COME ON!! That isn't 'gross' and it doesn't make her a ***** .. how childish can you guys get. You are pathetic, prudish, judgemental .. and probably jealous.

upthedownslide 0

Jealous? Yeah, not really. It's called having morals sweetie....and if you think that having sex in front of children is funny, then clearly you're just as pathetic as this victorian wh**e. Just because it turns you on, doen't mean that DECENT people can stomach it okay?

How is she "Victorian"?? If you know anything about history you'll know Victorian women did not have sex in front of children particularly if they were upper class enough to OWN a backyard. That was a failed attempt at an insult.

HAHAHA you're a ******* dick! stop getting horny over history and learn to read. OP was from Victoria, Australia. YOUR A FAIL

Your all dumb. No one said having sex in front of children is funny. Your just a dumbass with 'morals' and misinterpretted what was obviously saying having back yard sex Isnt gross. I also don't see how OP is a *****? Is it because she has sex? It isn't her fault children saw, they were secluded in their property, just the trampoline compromised it. Go get laid hon, then you'll understand that lots of people like changing it up a bit and tryin new things. No one here is a *****. But your still dumb.

bbedlock_fml 7
IzabellaBlack 0

decent is kinda based on personal standards don't you think? Lol Victorian ***** made me laugh my ass of though, I forgot they had trampolines in Victorian Times. Times where decency included deadly industry and inbreeding.