By goldendarkness - 09/07/2016 01:34

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to stop by a drive-thru on the way to his place. I asked him to order a Coke for me, at which point he asked if I wanted to make it a Diet Coke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 763
You deserved it 2 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I doubt that there was any malicious intent, OP. And I'm sure that'd be confirmed if you asked the guy about it. Just don't dump him because of this like I'm so sure this website is going to tell you to.

May you please elaborate on how the hell this is a problem? I prefer the taste of diet to regular.


some people prefer the taste of diet?

May you please elaborate on how the hell this is a problem? I prefer the taste of diet to regular.

Agreed. To me I think OP's boyfriend was just asking a legitimate question. If she gets upset by him asking, imagine how much worse it would be if he brought her the wrong one...

I also prefer diet. Both for the taste and because 32 ounces of legit sugar water would kill my sensitive stomach. But the obvious insinuation is that her boyfriend is subtly calling her fat and telling her she needs to go on a diet. That's pretty rude by itself. But the wording OP used also sounds like she was only ordering a drink and skipping the food. So it's especially messed up if her boyfriend was implying, "I know you're already skipping a meal, but really you should be skipping EVERYTHING..."

Agreed. I've been asked many times to specify whether I want diet or regular, and I'm what people call "too skinny," so most people ask it without any malicious intent. I'm guessing though that OP has some big weight issues which her bf would probably be aware of, so either her bf made a small careless mistake (and OP should try not to take it personally), or her bf said it in a rude insinuative way (in which case, FHL).

Yeah I wasn't hungry and was just getting the drink

OP you are beautiful. Hope you talked to him about it. Even when I don't want food I just get diet drinks. I'm sure he didn't mean it in a mean way.

Maybe he's going to apply to said drive thru and wanted to practice how to offer the alternative when said drink is unavailable? idk.

I feel you're reading into this way too much.

I doubt that there was any malicious intent, OP. And I'm sure that'd be confirmed if you asked the guy about it. Just don't dump him because of this like I'm so sure this website is going to tell you to.

Steve95401 49

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Lots of people I know drink diet pop, so it was probably his first instinct to ask if she wanted diet or regular. I highly doubt he had any other intent.

Like you should totally break up with someone because they asked if you wanted Diet Coke instead of regular Coke

Way to prove my point in record time, buddy.

99% of the time that I ask for a Coke I get 'diet?' as a reply. I do prefer full fat. But lots of people don't. Don't be offended, OP :)

I don't even see what the issue is? It's not like you ordered a burger and he suggested a salad... Sounds like he was making sure he got it right.

Woopty frickin doo, he's not saying you're fat, he's just asking to make sure if you wanted to make it a diet coke instead.