By Shocked - 17/07/2009 19:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I exchanged promise rings. I promised that I would stay committed to him and that he was the only one for me. He promised that he would stop seeing other woman behind my back. He wasn't kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 226
You deserved it 5 368

Same thing different taste

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and thats when , after hes done his sentance you say . and i ALSO promise to try not to cheat on you after this convorsation .

AntiChrist7 0

Girls only loves assholes. YDI

I don't know what category this falls under. But, there was no specification on what types of promises could be made when exchanging the rings. Anything goes. So I guess I say YDI (finding out) for exchanging promise rings and promises? But you don't deserve being cheated on. So FYL for that.

who approved this? theres one like this every week, its not funny anymore

DWdizzy 0

Wow ar the people who come to the BF's defense by saying "atleast he's honest". cheating in the first place is the most dishonest thing you can do to anyone. period. leave him if you havnt

I'm a woman. I disagree. There are plenty of things that a woman can not do as well as a man. Just as there are plenty of things that a man can not do as well as a woman. Our brains are wired differently, our psychological makeup is different. Women have better eyesight. They are masters of detail. They are better at psychological warfare. Men are more prone to violence. They see the big picture. They tend to simplify things, sometimes over-simplifying.

lol, shouldn't you be happy? He could also just kept cheating with that other woman and you'd never have known. Your logic means: tell the truth, and you're ******. Keep lying, and you'll get away with everything.

lovelykendra5 0

At least he promised he wouldn't see other women anymore ! I'm just trying to stay positive :)

OMG the boyfriends an ass! you should totally dump him! but at least he said he would quit seeing other women behind your back (two contradictions, the second one was sarcasam)

1. You sound clingy, you probably deserved it, 2. There's a difference between woman and women. Learn it.