By Shocked - 17/07/2009 19:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I exchanged promise rings. I promised that I would stay committed to him and that he was the only one for me. He promised that he would stop seeing other woman behind my back. He wasn't kidding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 226
You deserved it 5 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tell him that u will stop ****** others behind his back

IExist121 0

YDI for having promise rings.

you sure that's the man for you? real men don't need a big ceremony to not cheat

Change your promise to "I promise I'll never stop thinking you're a douche.". lol

For the two people who believe women are lower beings, kindly go **** off. Please that whole "women or weak and deserve everything they get" bullshit is really ******* old. And, YOU two dumb ***** know that if it weren't for us women and the all mighty ****** that you would be in the fetal position crying and stroking that little VD carrying thing you call a dick. So shut the **** up, and come back to ******* reality. Women are here and they are going to stay here. Get ******* used to it or go die some ******* where. I'm 100% sure you won't be ******* missed. ******* **** suckers.

kellster 2

Um, get out of there. Seriously.

Lol look at 80, she's all mad because women are lesser beings.

promise rings lol what are you 12? I bet he got it out of one of those quarter machines too.