By dayumm_shawtyy - 21/12/2009 01:29 - United States
dayumm_shawtyy tells us more.
alright. lets get a few things cleared, i never cheated. and he was already my ex boyfriend, we were just trying to work things out. he got pissed off because i told him i was done with his bullshit mind games, and if he couldnt make up his mind i was out of there. he couldnt handle the truth. then thats when the yelling started. the guy turns 19 in 5 days. i think every girl can agree he needs to grow some balls and handle things like a man, not a little kid
Top comments
hahaha That's awesome. Score Him-1 You-0
hot dayuum, you've got a cute pic.
actually , yes.
He won the break up, sorry. You're probably a bitch to begin with. Why were you broken up? Cuz you a ho? With a name like shawty I wouldn't doubt it.
No he didn't, he acted like a bratty little kid. He lost the break up.
No, anyone who acts immature like that during a breakup or argument is the one who lost. If you lose your temper so badly that anything like this, or any type of abuse happens, you are the loser. Simple.
lol, this is why cars aren't the place to get into shit. It's also funny to see a girl say she was tired of a guy's "bullshit mind games" when it's her sex that's notorious for that sort of thing.
That's so dumb. You can't say 'it's funny to see a girl telling her boyfriend she's not happy with his hobby of murdering people, because there have been girls who've murdered people'. She's not responsible for the rest of her sex. Some guys are massive wankers, therefore you are a massive wanker too. ...shit.
your boyfriend is a smart man.
I don't think he wants to go out with you anymore.
If getting gas costs $6 where you live, your life is definitely not ******.
Uh, you meant to type ex-boyfriend, right?