By frustrated girlfriend - 29/12/2016 03:30 - United States - Raleigh
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 21/01/2011 22:50 - United States
Grossed out
By vomiting - 07/03/2022 16:00
By Anonymous - 17/11/2022 02:00
Thanks wasn't given
By Anonymous - 25/11/2023 18:00
By dole_out_the_fml - 20/05/2009 17:36 - Canada
By notmyfam - 09/09/2016 07:47 - Australia - Chester Hill
By Anonymous - 23/03/2017 22:00
Next time, wait a couple of years
By Anonymous - 14/09/2023 00:02
By lovehim - 25/01/2011 21:16 - United States
Mummy's boy
By Anonymous - 22/03/2021 17:01
Top comments
Bring it up to him, tell him honestly why it's bothering you and talk to him about possible ways to get the mom to back off. If he can't understand why this type of stuff upsets you it might be time to seriously wonder if the relationship is worth it. I've seen relationships like this before and unless they're willing to work on a solution with you, change won't happen on its own. That's my advice, but on a personal note, he should really put his foot down because damn, she's needy (the mom not op)
Seems like the (potential) mother-in-law missed her shots. She could be rabid. Don't let her bite you.
There are ways, but they're illegal or worse... frowned upon.
My bestfriend used to date a guy whose mother was like that, one day, they were supposed to have dinner at their friends' then go to a firework celebration. The mother-in-law guilt-triped my friend's ex to force him to invite her, she tagged along with them and was a real pain. I think she was jalous of my friend, she kept interrupting them, she was she very needy and often acted like a child. Using her phone during diner, giggling like a 12-year-old because her boyfriend was sending her texts, etc ...
* she was very needy
maybe invite her over for dinner too? I know that would feel like caving in, and you do need to work on boundaries, but sometimes it's good to throw the crazies a bone
Never throw crazy a bone. Ever. They'll want more, just like that ******* mouse and his cookie.
Yeah, that's just rewarding the behavior and showing her she can get what she wants.
Your boyfriend needs to grow a pair.
There is a saying, "You don't just marry the person, you also marry their family." If you are not comfortable with the kind of control his mother has, then you have two choices. Talk to him about it and see if he agrees but doesn't have the guts to face his mother, in which case you could help him. Or keep looking if you don't feel like you could live with that influence.
Get rid of him.

Red flags, red flags everywhere. It sounds like you need to bring up the issue to your boyfriend and hope he grows a pair. If not, it might be better to let him go before that kind of situation turns into something you commit your life to. Sorry, OP.
Bring it up to him, tell him honestly why it's bothering you and talk to him about possible ways to get the mom to back off. If he can't understand why this type of stuff upsets you it might be time to seriously wonder if the relationship is worth it. I've seen relationships like this before and unless they're willing to work on a solution with you, change won't happen on its own. That's my advice, but on a personal note, he should really put his foot down because damn, she's needy (the mom not op)