By wtf1234 - 03/05/2011 01:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went on a picnic. After we finished eating he laid down, closed his eyes, and put his head in my lap. At the exact second that I bent down to kiss him, he jumped up to get the Frisbee. We both have bloody noses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 877
You deserved it 4 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend sounds like an overenthusiastic dog. Flying up to chase a frisbee, honestly.


you will cherish this memory on the long run! and laugh about it, it may sound bad now but it will eventually turn out to be a good memory ;)

At least you were able to have your picnic before any of that happened.

Awe, haha! Next time be careful, lol. Ouch! though :/

Pardon me for being nosey. But is your name Mary, because you're all bloody.

robc32ca 4

get the stick! get the stick! good boy!!!