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By wtf1234 - 03/05/2011 01:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went on a picnic. After we finished eating he laid down, closed his eyes, and put his head in my lap. At the exact second that I bent down to kiss him, he jumped up to get the Frisbee. We both have bloody noses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 878
You deserved it 4 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend sounds like an overenthusiastic dog. Flying up to chase a frisbee, honestly.


maybe he was trying to avoid the kiss ;)

LOL your pic! and OP at least you have a sweet boyfriend it seems :)

or maby its his way of giving an eskimo kiss? o.o

It could have been worse. You could have queefed in your pants.

Maybe he just thinks you're utterly revolting and wasn't jumping for the frisbee but rather jumping away from your lips.

Well that was a mean thing to say... :(

Well that was a mean thing to say... :(

grumpybarista 0

Oh you're right, I must've missed that. Totally appropriate comment, then.

vasses935 0

wtf is your problem to be saying something like that?? Did that happen to you?

Holy crap Irish, I thought you left FML.

i see what you did there... and i aprove...

Just checked out for a bit, mrah. Had a gimp winter. But, here I am! :)

LolMoqz 10

i see what you did there :3

bad joke alert!!j/k ur funny!! and very pretty!!;)(btw I'm a lady)

nessaface25 14

This makes no sense. What frisbee? like a random one? i thought his eyes were closed..?

maybe they packed one for the picnic and he was gonna go get it. Dunno that's how I read it....

was he dreaming there was a frisbee?

ShadyFTW1 0

Would have been funny if he shouted FRISBEE!!! as he jumped up and broke his girlfriends nose.

Your boyfriend sounds like an overenthusiastic dog. Flying up to chase a frisbee, honestly.

itsmisskay 2

Hah! That's totally what I thought. And wth? Did a frisbee just randomly fly by or something. She said his eyes we closed...

if his eyes were closed how the hell did he know a frisbee was comin at em??

_Itz_Meena_ 0

that's what I'm wondering.

msbritt06 0

they probably packed one and he wanted to get it

Predental 5

he was about to get it from their bag. that's what i think