By TayTay - 16/05/2009 07:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went to a Taylor Swift concert. At the concert they put up a sign that said "Scream if you love country boys." My boyfriend took one look at it and started screaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 916
You deserved it 12 445

Same thing different taste

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lol at #12 you said taylor swift is good there is an FML right there

#1 and #3. Perhaps he was just being dumb and wanted to yell? It was just a concert.

dancing_bear 0

God, way to overreact... he was probably joking/having fun.

I know heaps of straight guys that would scream and go mental at such a sign, just for a laugh, to be silly, perhaps to mock the fact that they were at a taylor swift concert.

"Scream if you love country, boys!" See. not FYL. Well, kinda though, because he loves country music...

He could have also skipped the 'boys' part of the sign, if he took one glance and read it too quickly. He Might have read 'Scream if you like country' and just started screaming. Either way, I'd find a new boyfriend, one who doesn't like country and can read properly.

Rawrrr14 0

At concerts, it doesn't matter what the sign says everyone is just screaming for no reason. But, hey even if he does like country boys, he obviously likes girls more if he's with you :-)

rauj13 0

@22, yea guilty pleasure. :p