By kylie - 15/11/2010 21:17 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and I were in my backyard goofing around when he tried to pick me up. He couldn't. I jokingly tried to lift him. I did so without much effort. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 485
You deserved it 7 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Why are you going out with a little girl? Or are you by any chance very heavy?

ThePersonalDream 0

So, let us get this straight here. Is your boyfriend scrawny and weak, or are you just slightly obese? I tried to say that polietly. ;-)

sarah17xx_fml 10

OP, have you seen wedding photos showing the groom lifting the bride in his arms? Very romantic right? You would have to carry him instead during you wedding photo shoot. Teehee.

danz123 7

Double standards, how I hate them. Why does it matter if you're bigger, or stronger than your boyfriend? Why is this an FML? Because you're afraid of what people may think if you're stronger or bigger? The fact is, you're both human. What, did you want him to carry you off, and you play the role of the 'damsel in distress' like in those stupid disney movies? Life isn't about appearances, or tradition. What matters is if you like him enough to think, oh wait, it doesn't matter that he's not a hulk look-a-like, or that I'm stronger/bigger than him. I still like him.

tubal069 0

Now you should compare penis sizes. I know who I'm betting on....

I don't understand the problem. He probably enjoys it. I would. My wife just tried to dip me and dropped me against the wall. FML.

It's these types of FMLs that always puzzle me. There's so many about an awkward moment where a girl finds a flaw of hers in the presence of a guy. Its so confusing, how do these girls have boyfriends if they're so flawed to begin with? (no rancorous tone intended, more of a questioning thoughtful one)