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By June - 05/10/2010 04:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend grabbed my love handles. It tickled, so I giggled and squirmed out of his grip. He looked at me quizzically and said, "I'm surprised you still have feeling there with all that fat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 891
You deserved it 8 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

clearly, he just can't handle your love. |the kid|

AngieSixx_x0 0

that's so sad, baby. what a sad guy. and FYI it shouldn't matter if a girl has love handles or anything like that. the guy should love the girl for who they are not what they look like (: #justsayin'


Lose some weight. Or have a Snickers nearby.

Freeze your comments are always made of awesomeness.

now go tell your boyfriend he has a snall penis.

is that supposed to be small or snail? lol I'm confused.

haha true plus a snail penis? I mean come on lol small green and slimy haha but really who cares about love handles. I think curves are sexy as opposes to being a rail


Snails do not have a penis. AC-130 has a penis, a BIG penis:D

the AC-130 ejaculates ******* cannon rounds

Unless he said it in a particularly hurtful way, I think this is kinda cute. He likes feeling your body up, and like a commenter above, he probably thinks your curves are sexy.

zerobahamut03 2
kwmfl 4

Don't listen to Freeze. Don't lose weight if you dont want to. I think a few extra pounds on a girl is sexy.

Listen to me. I think a few extra pounds is fatty.

O_o;; If I were fat, I would lose weight. I value my health more than my boyfriend's attractions (or whatever).

LeoFML 1

1 - Snickers? This is clearly a Twix moment. She's probably only fat because she's always having these situations. Probably a Twix always stuffed in her bra, but not this time, not this time.

I meant Twix, but I said Snickers for some reason. It works. Now I'm giving her alternatives. Lose weight or stay fat.

what's love handles? O_O sorry I'm singaporean. :/.

I think lovehandles are the fat around your hip. you know.... it has rolls that you can grab xD

just cause you're singaporean doesn't mean you shouldn't know what love handles are

RedPillSucks 31

Love handles are a colloquialism that might not be used in other countries.... Just like no one in the US says "shrimp on a barbie" (Eel on a Ken).

doesn't means we Singaporean must know what lovehandles are.

I know but still.. I'm Singaporean and I know what they are people use that word in Singapore too

Holy shit she doesn't know what love handles are, better get out the firing squad. W/e your name is that said your Singaporean and you do know, are you implying that everyone in your country has the same exact knowledge? I couldn't begin to understand, nor do I care for, all the stupid ass-backwards things americans, say does that give everyone the right to berate me? Excuse my mood, but seriously, shut the fudge up.

Really? I didn't know you could still feel anything.

Alesana_Love 0

yeah your ******* dumb. fat girls are nasty!

FFML_314 11

You are all pathetic and stupid. Trust me when I say any "fat" girl will have better luck in life than you idiots. If you don't know the difference between "you're" and "your" by now, there's no hope for you. I have love handles and I can assure you I'm not nasty.

hairt 4
FFML_314 11

Having love handles and being grossly overweight are very different. Morons.

comments like these make me realize how lucky i am that i literally can't gain weight because of genetics, although im not bony. but i think its really mean to girls who can't lose weight. although i dont really feel sorry for those who are fat out of their own foult (bad eating habits etc)

Rahka 0

I agree with 62 and 65. With what was said adults do see the person, while physical attraction needs to be there for it to work, there are a lot of guys who do like women with a bigger body type. We are all people and some are not blessed with being able to keep weight off.

FFML_314 11

It truly makes me sick to know how callous and cold some people are. Your indelicate comments make me wish I didn't have to share the same planet as you. While you revel in your ignorance, I can laugh at your obvious lack of human emotion and any form of compassion for another person. You are vile human beings and will hopefully one day wake the hell up.

azhein 0

86 the majority of people are fat because they are lazy or lack the self control to eat right not because they have some kind of problem or their genetics.

There's a big difference between being morbidly obese and a few pounds overweight. Not everyone can be size 2. Everybody is different and if you can't accept that then **** off.

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FFML_314 11

Yes, because only women are fat. You're a complete moron. Not to mention you're an asshole.

haha ya guy, curvy woman are awesome. better than a twig.

I hate to do it but I think you meant superficial, timma. :)

finallyy someone uses the work thick man thats what a girls supposed to be!

IpWarfare 0

Is there seriously a black dude sayin he hates love handles? You probably eat mayonaise by the spoonful dontcha whitey? haha

Girls aren't supposed to be "thick". That's just a term guys' made when they like chunky girls. Girls are supposed to be however they were born as long as they're healthy. You can be bigger and healthy and you can be skinny and still healthy.

FYLDeep 25
RedPillSucks 31
FMLContinued 3

I think that's a "need a moment? Eat a Twix" moment. Sorry your boyfriends a douche. I'd kick him once in the expecto potronous. ;)

KelceyLoves 0

>:( I was going to say that. Haha.

AngieSixx_x0 0

that's so sad, baby. what a sad guy. and FYI it shouldn't matter if a girl has love handles or anything like that. the guy should love the girl for who they are not what they look like (: #justsayin'

While I agree that you should love the person you are with for who they are, there still needs to be some sort of physical attraction. It's the way we are. If there is no physical attraction you probably won't enjoy your sex life with the person, but if there's no emotional connection, you won't enjoy your life with that person.

While I agree that you should love the person you are with for who they are, there still needs to be some sort of physical attraction. It's the way we are. If there is no physical attraction you probably won't enjoy your sex life with the person, but if there's no emotional connection, you won't enjoy your life with that person.

I'm sorry OP, your boyfriend should be more sensitive than that. If he'd been more sensitive to your feelings, he woulda made a joke bout them or something. His comment implies that he doesn't accept your physical appearance in that you have a little grabable dough round your waist. Tell him something rude please OP =)

CoachLlama 5

Sometimes, we guys say terribly inappropriate things that we immediately regret. This does not look like one of those times. He's an idiot.