By w00tz - 27/03/2009 05:12 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me over the phone. He said there was someone else, and that he has been in love with her for a while. Turns out, the new girl was his online video game character. I got dumped for a video game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 99 793
You deserved it 9 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The guy broke up with her. Over the phone. For a fictional woman. Why would you want to "be serious" with a guy who does that?

and this is when dating nerds can backfire.


jcube11 0

this almost happened to me a year ago. it was world of warcraft. im still with the guy but he ended up almost failing out of school because of the game. he had to quit and now things are a lot better.

He's a loser. Between this and ****, I'm sure he has all the social interaction he needs, without having to leave his room... or even his computer. Find a better guy.

It hurts now, but seriously... you can do better. Much better. Easily.

wickedlove 0

It's phase. When he outgrows it, he'll see what he lost. At the same time though, I have to say WHAT THE HELL.

I understand where he's coming from.

l33tm0nk3y 0

Well, at least you're rid of that loser now.

That sucks. He likes a video game girl more than you?

#3, it's not a fictional woman. If he's playing a game online. That means other people playing the same game are playing with him, but not in person. But screw him, let him try to find her in person. Get a better boyfriend.

damn that stinks. i know how ya feel, i got picked second best to a tennis camp LMFAO.... hahaha. whatever at least you got rid of the loser..

effthis 0

,eh.. dat girl is just gonna pwn him.. hes then gonna ask you back so he can double team on her.. which makes him a noob... so he fails