By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 23:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that he needed some time alone for a few weeks. This break just so happens to include our one year anniversary, Christmas, New Year's, and my birthday. Now I get to spend the next three weeks alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 132
You deserved it 4 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i feel as though... this is a major hint.

..and with no presents! Which, in my opinion, is the worst of all :(


i feel as though... this is a major hint.

He's just trying to save money I'm sure... Oh, and **** other women!

Yano #1 since you posted on the other comment im just going to not feel so bad about hijacking your post, but seriously, a girl stands up a guy on their date to go work out. Comments are like "Well you wouldn't want a fat girl friend would you" Ect ect. Now a guy wants to take a break and the comments are just "Break it off omg" I swear... girls keep going on about equality but my ******* god. Either way, this is the last post im ever making at 1:30am o/

very_ugly_girl 0

I used to do that all the time to my men. Even though I end up single, I will still do that in my future. People just need some alone time.

hey, 21. i have no idea what you're talking about.

Basically im continuing my argument from the fml Today, I was stood up on a date. Her excuse? "I had to work out." FML But now its 2am so that's all im saying tonight.

maybe it means you shouldn't rely on him soo much.... don't you have friends?

agree with #21 even tho I didn't see the other fml . Girls think it's ok to stand guys up at dates just because their guys . But when guys say they need a break as well , they over-react and start find lots of reasons to say the guys are deliberately avoiding something , like op . So much for equality between genders .

yeah girls usually don't think men deserve excuses but who founded America? a group of men not women

free2speak 14

95- I still thank their mother for giving birth to such great men ;)

@95 Yeah and look at what state the country is in LMFAO

I hope the bloke at least wished her a happy holidays as it would be the most decent thing to do

ethereallight 0

@ 21 I'd say there's a pretty big difference between standing up someone you barely know on a date and doing this to a girlfriend of 1yr. Obviously standing up someone on a date to work-out is selfish, but now he knows that she's not worth the time. An immature boyfriend who wants to leave his girlfriend alone for all the holidays is obviously just as selfish. I really shouldn't have to spell it out for you but either he wants an excuse to not buy her gifts or he's cheating on her. There's 2 sides to each story, but it sounds like this guy is an asshole and perhaps not worth her time. Anyway, my point is unfortunately you find selfish, inconsiderate people of both genders. Simply because some girl on a completely different FML stood up some guy, does not make his actions more acceptable.

what a cheapskate... and lol at 21 trolling

Yeah...this guy does not want to just "take a break" that conveniently falls over the holidays and a birthday. Best case scenario: he's broke, can't afford gifts and is too embarrassed to say that. It's understandable, but I'd rather have a boyfriend/girlfriend who felt comfortable enough to tell me that, not take a break and leave me hanging out by myself for Christmas, New Years, and my birthday. That's just low! Hence, it's a sign. This guy needs to be dumped. And for the record, a girl who ditches a guy to go the gym is a b*tch and she's not worth a second chance.

erongetti 2

yah...a major hint to dump his ass

Good luck finding a bunch of men without the women that birth them!

I'm feeling that dude is a HUGE that wouldn't be getting any of his Christmas gifts. Then when he was ready to come back I'd break up with him.

freedom to cheat, which is what she is doing

How does she have the freedom to cheat? Her boyfriend is the one needing a break and the girlfriend is depressed about the situation.

Petawhitney 2

Get a replacement! I guarantee, he already has...

..and with no presents! Which, in my opinion, is the worst of all :(

Didn't we read an FML the other day that said something to the effect of "I'm thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend so that I don't have to buy her a Christmas present"? Perhaps this is the same couple.

anahlicious 10

He probably did it on purpose... I say dump the loser.

of course it was done could you accidentally do that?

Girl: I really like this movie. Guy: Yeah, it's good. We need a break. Girl: What??! Guy: Um, I didn't mean to say that! But since I already said it, oh well. Girl: But... Guy: Get out.

oocarmelgirl0807 0

Aw I'm sorry :/. That really sucks.

he's clearly a cheapskate - broke up with you so he wouldn't have to buy you presents...sad for you

tcj2010 5

dump him just trying to gt out of buying u a gift