By Scholar - 16/06/2011 16:03 - United States
Same thing different taste
The Birmingham School of Business School
By overundereducated - 13/03/2020 18:00
By SLOMan90 - 26/01/2011 07:45 - United States
Shut up and take it
By Eric - 14/03/2020 06:05
By toothbreaker - 22/08/2019 11:00 - United States - Tucson
In vain
By Anonymous - 05/02/2021 08:01 - Germany - Teningen
Empathy is a thing
By Ori-GODDAMMIT - 26/03/2024 02:00 - United States
By seriously wtf - 08/03/2013 03:18 - United States - Saint Petersburg
By Anonymous - 15/06/2011 00:59 - United States
By Grad Student - 13/01/2018 15:00
By crb25453 - 15/10/2015 05:07 - United States - Stafford
Top comments
well if your engineer it might help
I was just thinking, "maybe it's an aerodynamics class?" Even basic physics could have an opportunity to talk about air resistance.
Paper planes are the mean of transport of the future.
correction: "If you're doing engineering it might help"
Don't question the paper, it used to give you life, now it's being used in how to teach you how to make a paper airplane. I wish I could remember how to make one.
It wouldn't help in engineering. Also one "If you are an engineer" not "if your engineer." This would help in a physics class however. So maybe he's majoring in aerodynamics.
*aerospace engineering. Not aerodynamics. Oopsie Dasies.
correction: If you're studying engineering, it might help.
35- you're a plumber. who wants to be a plumber? no one. Which is why there isn't college for plumbing, and its such an easy job to get. eh hemm
98, I declare genocide on ignorance people who can't or don't make the effort to learn the correct homonym.
ignorant* (iPhone autocomplete)
102- I declare you shut your mouth. thanks :)
actually most good universities are over 40k especially when room and board are added. 10-15 years ago you would be right though.
he is 99
idk what you do.... but I bet you coulnt plumb a house to save ur life.... and you can make alot of money being a plumber idc how easy it is to get the job... without plumbers your life would be alot harder.... and do u think the guy who invited indoor plumbing was a retard that didn't have college.. ur an idiot
maybe not being a total hard ass would also help . Learn to have fun every once in awhile :)
90, just because you don't want to be a plumber doesn't mean other people do. Doesn't make you any less of a person or unintelligent. I know plenty of smart people who just don't want to do university and would rather do practical work. Someone has to do those jobs and you shouldn't be so judgmental.
115, you call that a mistake? That's not a 'mistake'. It's ignorance.
111, look at your dp. I thunk you're the one that should shut your mouth? :O
yes I see now I missed a word no need to be d bags.
the only "fml" about this, is the fact your class didnt know how to make paper airplanes.
why the f**k do so many of you care about grammar on here? I bet you just come on here to correct people. GET A LIFE PLZ!
#158 it's funny how you say it wasn't a mistake it was ignorance when you made a mistake twice. Like how you put ignorance instead of ignorant earlier and how you said "thunk" instead of think. You just made yourself look stupid. So I guess you are ignorant too right? Pathetic grammar Nazis. And you can blame your iPhone autocorrect all you want, but you should have double checked since you want to go around correcting people. Take a look at yourself before you start insulting people. -_-"
158, a valient attent ad baying pedancik....
Your grammar tells me YOU need to go to college. lol jk
99-genocide is always funny
maybe u should drop the class.....
yeah but then she(or he) would be wasteing their money
that's exactly what I thought ;(
why are you complaining? get an A in the class and improve your GPA pussy
108- shitty pick and better their $ then myn
my answer should be shut up and have some fun !!
poor cat:(
oops wrong fml
Yeah what the hell?
omg so many people are posting wrong comments on FML's now a days, she probs did that on purpose
Now why 162, would I try to post a comment on the wrong fml? Maybe you should get your facts straight....
uh I dunno maybe to try and be funny or to get a lot of replies? it worked so u accomplished your mission...
I'm not that desperate as some people are... Have you ever thought that maybe I just was in a hurry, read the fml, and clicked the wrong one?
if you were in a hurry you wouldn't have been on FML now would you? it's okay dude you can confess.
that is really really expensive. I might have to re think this whole college thing.
hey that's an awesome business plan. I'm gonna quit school and become Bill Gates! Sorry, statistics show without a doubt that people who have college degrees earn more on average than people who graduated high school, who in turn earn more on average than people who dropped out of high school. Sure, you could quit school and try being an outlier, but chances are you're going to be a bum.
well i know that everything i want to do i need a degree to get somewhat close to having a chance at it. ive applied to alot of places and even though ill have high recommendations and all that stuff they wont take me. here in wisconsin you need a degree to work at mcdonalds now or say like a subway.
Very few colleges are $40k a year. if you wanna be a plumber then don't go to college. if you want to be an engineer, lawyer, doctor go to college.
you need a degree to take orders? lol
here, you can finish school at year 10 and go do a trade (such as plumbing). you don't need university to become successful at all and at the most, it only costs $8-9000 too
And that is why Australia has so many cashed up bogans :(
I disagree, have you seen how many collage grads are unemployed it's all about making something cool or shiny now -_-
my tuition is 55K a year but in the end I'll have a better job thus paying me back (eventually) or that's my logic. plus people like zuckerburg are rare anomalies (notice that not everyone who didn't go to college isn't rich). and as for a "sure-fire" plan as an earlier commenter mentioned; it doesn't exist. the us economy is still recovering and there is large risk associated with practically everything. people with "sure-fire" plans find themselves s.o.l
Not everyone who does a trade is a bogan. We need them just as much as we need doctors and such
I know, just saying they aren't all bogans is all
And I didn't say they're all bogans.
Damn you ugly
Even if that was a joke, that was uncalled for.
Pay attention it could be on the final
I'm sure your over exaggerating
I agree. Sounds like his class was granted a fun free day for once and OP is complaining as though he's completely wasting his money.
which OP is because he wants to learn
what about his overexaggerating?
79- Sorry but as a college student, if you want a free day, skip class. If I'm paying for a class, I expect to be learning something. My Precalc class drove me nuts this last semester because the professor kept getting off topic for 30-45 minutes. The class was an hour and 50 minutes but that time, combined with how late -he- showed up, ads up. So, point being, I must respectfully disagree with you.
that'll come in handy if your career tanks and you become a stay at home dad.. or if you become a college lecturer!

Now you can make $40,000 paper airplanes.
well if your engineer it might help