By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 23:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided that he needed some time alone for a few weeks. This break just so happens to include our one year anniversary, Christmas, New Year's, and my birthday. Now I get to spend the next three weeks alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 137
You deserved it 4 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i feel as though... this is a major hint.

..and with no presents! Which, in my opinion, is the worst of all :(


I know EXACTLY how you feel. My boyfriend is doing the EXACT Same thing. Canceled the trip to see him. I'm alone too. On our 1 yr, Xmas and new years. So Trust me I know EXACTLY how you feel.

very_ugly_girl 0

YDI for having a boyfriend. I am glad I am single for life.

almariee 2

my boyfriend did the same thing too....boys

OMG!!!!! THE EXXXXAAACTTT SAME THING?!?!? *heavy sarcasm....*

TheWhiteLotus 5

That, my friend, is true happiness. No offense to my girlfriend.

jckbco 0

how stupid are women to use the present tense of "my boyfriend" in these situations?

hysterical 1

So you don't have other friends you can spend your birthday, Christmas, or New Year's with? Or family?

Invierno 10

True, but still sucks to be blown off for all of them. I'm not seeing my boyfriend for Christmas or New Year's by choice, because I decided to go home for the break, and he did as well, but I would be really sad and angry if he decided that he wanted "alone time" during our anniversary or my birthday. I'm completely for alone time, but on either of those days, seriously? If there were a good reason, ok, but it wouldn't make anyone feel cared for by their significant other.

very_ugly_girl 0

He wants to break up with you !! Men are no good at communication, take that as a sign that your relationship if doom!!

I disagree.. some men may not be good at communicating I'll give you that but hell, plenty of girls in my life could use a lotta work at it themselves!

"Men are no good at communication, take that as a sign that your relationship if doom" Huh, we're not good at communicating you say.

hansbans11 0

maybe in your experience with men but not everyone elses. My man has excellent communication skills despite being in Afghanistan. if you had several bad experiences with men did you ever once question yourself?

We aren't bad communicators. We, in fact, (or at least I) believe that women are poor communicators. Volume in communication does not equate to good communication. Logic and levelheadedness are in the forefront of male communication while the fairer sex speaks largely from the emotive side of their psyche. This can sometimes be positive but the problem with emotive communication is that it 1. gets easily heated. 2. can change their opinions with their mood. 3. can be a result of completely unrelated subject matter. Sorry if this doesn't pertain all that much to the FML. Any thoughts? PS: We love you anyway ladies.

It is the women who think good communication consists of meaningful glances and saying the opposite of what they mean.

guestxxx 0

121, as a woman, I agree with your whole comment. Though I have met a few exceptions to it in both genders :P

That's gibberish for "I'm breaking up with you".

xXDubbleChic 11

u can spend it with me!! SHOPPING!!!!!

very_ugly_girl 0

I want to go shopping with you. I am always lonely during the holidays and need a friend to talk to

I dont want to start a fight or anything but your pic is fake.

Alexandriamuahh 0

ur such a fake i know the REAL girl ur a lier ur probably a old fat pedo :PP

MrsLender_fml 3

It says in 19's profile that it's not her picture. -_-

Alexandriamuahh 0

noo it sayz "yes the girl in the pic is ME u can find my pic on google" dumbass learn 2 readd

Break up with him, that too long to have a break. He sounds like an insensitive guy.

My boyfriend broke up with me today. Today is my birthday, and our anniversary.

Would you rather he stay and be unhappy? That will only drag you down. YDI for thinking so selfishly. Go spend time with other people who would enjoy your company.

DakotaCat 4

Don't you have family? If you moved somewhere far & can't visit them then what about friends?

Or he wants to break up! He could be just trying to get out of buying a present.