By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 00:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend had to give me an enema. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 344
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How romantic. Maybe tonight you can return the favour.

FYLDeep 25

"Cumming in your backside" does not equal "enema".


You've got a real gentleman there. Stay classy.

Simoneaux17 11
MissAntebellum 5

today while playing BF3 on xbox i went 34 and 11. my brothers friend then played and went 26 and 3. it was the same people on each trams except for a few that jumped out. my brothers guy friend then got a message saying girly you fkn suck give the controller back to your brother and get in the kitchen fml fml fml

Shut the hell up. How the heck would you know anyways? Get a freakin life.

Ryanjr 2