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By Anonymous - 04/10/2009 11:57 - United States

Today, my boyfriend kept pressuring me to get it on. I told him I was self-conscious abut my stomach and didn't want him to see it. His response? My double chin doesn't keep him from kissing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 890
You deserved it 8 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if he has no issues with your multiple chins, then mounds of stomach rolls shouldn't scare him off either...

you're taking it the wrong way. he's trying to tell you that he likes you despite your flaws. he's trying to say that he doesn't care if you have a tummy, he still wants to be with you.


Gia0896 0
youaresofucked 0

This is not an FML. being fat can - believe it or not - be done something about.

wow some of you people are really mean to the fattys

campbellshayla73 0

nazrew ur a ******* asshole I hope u rot in hell cuz thts the worst thing 2 say I hope u get so fat tht u can't move

if you don't like being fat, fix it. ydi

M0rt 0

Only the fatties that complain about being fat. it's their own fault; only about 1% actually have a glandular problem. And you can stay thin with a glandular problem if you take care of yourself.

M0rt 0
epiikgangster11 2

finally some people that agree with me

are you overweight? if not dump his sorry ass!

SparklyCuntt 12

Who cares of she's overweight or not. Wow some people on here are stupid.

Well if he has no issues with your multiple chins, then mounds of stomach rolls shouldn't scare him off either...

ROFL!!!! Sounds like my husband...

you're taking it the wrong way. he's trying to tell you that he likes you despite your flaws. he's trying to say that he doesn't care if you have a tummy, he still wants to be with you.

MyNameIsLolz 0

Maybe it's a bit of both fatty fetish definitely exists

Yeah, that may be what he was trying to say, but he definitely could have picked a smoother way to say it.

Maybe she's not fat and she just doesn't want to show him it... But she's probably fat. [:

remember i you cant find a hole stick it in a roll

abcdefgh_fml 0
abcdefgh_fml 0

yeahhh if i were you i would cut down on the twinkies : D ) )

291togo 0

I agree with the above post. Why should he care about a floppy belly, when your chin is the same way? Lighten up "tons of fun".

moonlit_manga 0

this isn't an fml. your husband or what ever excepts you for who you are! ok so your chunky, if your not happy about it loose weight! (sorry if a sound a bit insensitive.) look, I use to be big but I would not allow myself to be big once I got into highschool, I lost weight like crazy. (I'm 16) I came from a 16 to a 6 in jouniors. cheer up and don't be a stick in the mud, it's not to late! :3