By gixxergirl8787 - 07/06/2010 00:40 - United States
gixxergirl8787 tells us more.
heres the story behind the post for all you assholes who think im ugly or a bitch. really? anyway. my boyfriend of 5 years had gotten back the day before from 2 weeks in florida buying our new house. i had already left for a camping trip. He was to meet me down the next day. On his way down 'supposibly' his friend calls to tell me there has been a terrible accident and he was rushed to the hospital. My drunk ass freaks out drives an hour back home and rushes to the hospital. oh heyy.. guess what hes not there. I go to his house... and theres his car. The excuse was he didnt want to hurt my feelings by telling me he didnt want to camp in the first place... so he just lied. Its his birthday tommarrow and i will not be buying him a damn thing. there ya go :)
Top comments
You should crash it for him to save the jerk the trouble!
You must be fugly
he'd rather admit to wrecking his car than to spend time with you. either ur a bitch, or he's a dick, either way..... time for new people? :p
Oh my goodness!
That sucks. F his car's Life =P
Go Jessie! FYI you're the only person I'm gonna be happy for getting first
Are you serious? This is your first first?
18, I'm glad we dubbed you as the spokesperson for the whole world. nobody cares the you think you know what everyone does and doesn't care about, please just worry about your opinion and keep them to yourself until you wanna stop hating, thanks :D
Thank you to everyone! (except 18 :P) And yes, as much as I'm on here, I've never gotten 1st. I've gotten 2nd and every other number, but never first. Also lmao at Gutzzz "spokesperson for the world" hehe :)
Haha im pretty sure everyone wants to be first at some point. So nobody can get angry when someone gets first lol. Go Jess!
18- Go **** yourself Youre just pissed that you havnt gotten 30 firsts, o wait that's me You're just pissed that you havnt gotten a first
My gf said the same thing but she texed me that she died in the car crash
Lucky. It show's that he cares if he goes to such great strides. I think that it's not worth the 2000 to fix a badly damaged car over a GF anyway :P
lol #30, that's horrible!
Haha I love you Loren! Even if you did ruin my moment :) And guess what? I'm not threadjacking as usual because it's MY post! Yay :P
haha 30, I can see that, "heyyyy, so yeahhhhh, I just died in a car accident.... cya!!"
You're probably a terrible girlfriend OP
35- you have a disease we call jealousity, it's very contagious, it spreads like wildfire, usually by breathing in and out, most likely while talking It spreads very easily among those who do not have the skill to be majorly epic Try not to spread this ravenous disease
Hahaha #49 win!
Loren wins. Hands down.
^^^ Your moms a twit Ooooooh (Dr. Evil-ish glance around) Ug, Nevermind
Why thank you Anna :) Wait what? A twit? Me? Never!
Lol #76, i just pictured Dr Evil saying FIRE THE "LASER"
Soty "That's my mother you're talking about!" Austin Powers FTW!
*Sob* Its okay, really! *Sob* Ill forgive you someday Anna *Sob*
Rock on Nyle just watched the second movie What's long hard and full of "Sea-men"? My submarine! *crikets* What?
what no way?! I just did too!!! ( great minds think alike I guess) That is a hilarious movie! and No... not even a chuckle?
that's extremely ****** up and time for you too find someone new
Aw story, I've missed your comments (:
Nyle The... The(e) Most awkward thing I've ever seen is Dr. Evil and his secretary getting ready to have sex I almost puked I'll watch Goldmember tomorrow
Ugh! totally! I sometimes just yell augh! tell me when it's over haha. Goldmember is prob the best in my opinion. Esp the rap in the prison
One last one Uh sir... That's already been done... (Loud defining silence) Shit...
Hahaha Anna. I mean really? What's a few years among friends? Okay I suppose I forgive you. *hug* :)
Well let's just hijack some neuclear weapon and hold the work hostage ok? haha that's all folks!
Group hug! In teh showers tonight! Or.. or not! (Slowly lowers hands) Name that movie for 5 points
Anna just PWNED :] Next one: These are my sort of people, you wouldn't have a chance of communicating with them ...So they're gay
Not many people know this, but you can put your weed in there.
Yeah crash his car. Anyone's up for a picnic?
112- ... is the new chick on the block idk the name of the actor, I blanked
Nah its hot chick, Adam sandler, playing the drums, and starts telling them all the places to put their weed
Hey, whats that song about the grandma getting ran over my a reindeer? Grandma got ran over by a reindeer. Noooooo.....?
Nonono, the lead actor xD No shit that was Adam Sandler
Btw Anna my last one was from I think the second American Pie movie
Haha omg i love pulp fiction!
118 Hot Rod got one! ha love that movie!
Ra- Austin Powere gets no love from you I suppose Being epically black and all
Is it Step Brothers?
OMFG My mom is STILL on facebook playing FarmVille and Farm Town I'd like to take my contacts out so my eyes aren't ****** in the morning... She'll tweak if she knew I would *gasp* be up past 1:00 am
Ra I meant Austin Powers :P I was going to edit it but assumed incorrectly that you would know what I meant
No exaggeration, I could not love a human baby more then I love this brush.
Lol yep, NEXT
Where did you get those coconuts? ....... I found them
bio dome aasmg
Hahaha i just finished watching that, Monty Python, Holy Grail. epic movie. *gets arm cut off* Tis but a scratch hahaha
140- That would be in the movie of "Why JaMarcus "Russel" was cut by the Raiders"
I have herd Story and Rale but can't remember.
NEEE! Aaaaah! Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? Run away! Run away! What's your favorite color? And then comes the oral sex! Maybe it was two sparrows? I don't want to go in the cart O don't be such a baby And then me and Lancelot enter the rabbit and they take it inside the castle.... oh..... I could go on and on Monty Python FTW
Well, I just typed up a long comment that took like 3 minutes to type and it's not showing up ATM :|
Kyle, You WILL, suck mah balls
Hey Steve I'm on a pay phone, so if you're there pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, well OK, call me back.
SOTY, Thats gotta be south park. Lol and my names kyle aswell =P
I forgot the real movei but it was used too in Joe Dirty.
Silence of the Lambs. Lol i have alot of dvds in my collection
Why does my iPod put stuff I don't type.
lmao I love thy movie
Lol what about the rest of the world? God cant bless the rest of the world huh?
Im from New Zealand.
Yah, I guess it's already blessed I'm living there :D But no, too many generalizing pricks in Europe who think every american is a fat pig who gets everything he wants GOD BLESS AMURICUH
9.48p.m on the 7th June
Lol i have no clue, crack not my forte
a few hours
Yep friz is LSD.
Yep, Love that shit! jk. Dont buy drugs...Become famous then you get them for free!
I'm guessing but I'm also googling it too.
wow I was way off the website say stays in your system for 2-3 day from when last taken. damn plus like 15 different facters make it last long or shorter.
Dane Cook?
3- I was thinking that same thing. or she is incredibly annoying.
this has been posted before
must be chewbaka
FYL I say trash that douche's car!
And be charged for destruction of property, get a criminal record, and probably loose her boyfriend.
Why is that kind of stuff the first thing that comes to peoples minds...? Aside from being illegal, what exactly does that even do? A minor inconvience or a big one, it's just stupid. You could easily go to jail over stuff like that, is it really worth it?
I applaud him, you're probably a pain in the ass. :P
when i finally got first fml mods ruined my 1/2 second by removing my comment for saying first :/
Hey if he lies then he cares. hehehe
#11 I didn't know Justin Bieber was on FML...?
In my opinion commenting first on a website is the opposite of an accomplishment.

FYL I say trash that douche's car!
I'm sorry but just leave him