By gixxergirl8787 - 07/06/2010 00:40 - United States
gixxergirl8787 tells us more.
heres the story behind the post for all you assholes who think im ugly or a bitch. really? anyway. my boyfriend of 5 years had gotten back the day before from 2 weeks in florida buying our new house. i had already left for a camping trip. He was to meet me down the next day. On his way down 'supposibly' his friend calls to tell me there has been a terrible accident and he was rushed to the hospital. My drunk ass freaks out drives an hour back home and rushes to the hospital. oh heyy.. guess what hes not there. I go to his house... and theres his car. The excuse was he didnt want to hurt my feelings by telling me he didnt want to camp in the first place... so he just lied. Its his birthday tommarrow and i will not be buying him a damn thing. there ya go :)
Top comments
Hey buddy two words for you.........*clears throat* **** YOU.
That was for..?
oh my bad i should've have said it was to the kid who is too afraid to post a picture of himself because he's scared people will hurt his feelings...:( (MaxSnacks)
uhhh Don't Tell Me What To Do.
Awww you guys are mean! I think Sean(2)'s a cutiepie! Love you Seany :)
We're just giving him a hard time Jess, he'll recover. ;)
hahaha thank you Jess, those mean kids were picking on me. :P How ya been?
I would be fine with it if I didn't think he was such a flaming ****. Its pretty depressing being told i look like a flaming ****, know what i mean?
there's nothing wrong with flaming homos :b
Whoa whoa whoa. Flaming homos are flaming.
he'll recover after I murder JB. that is absolutely the worst insult(: sean, ur cute.
"MY comment has been moderated." Geez FML what'd I do??
Oh goodness, what a hardcore debate I've started. O.o
Pssh new admirer? I think not! Sean(2) and I go waaaay back! To his early FML days. Ain't that right Seany? Btw PM me :))
Savannah: I will seriously love you if you do that. Btw you should make it hurt.... :P
Yes, towelie has a very good point.....he's probably upped his security since reading this and you're gonna need to be alot more ninja and alot less savannah if you know what i mean. :)
77-you're mysteriously sexy :D
you forgot to add at the beginning: "I'm a bitch and.."
wow so ure litterally uglier than a car crash since that's what he'd rather see
haha! i've used this excuse on my bfs before too xDD
FYL I say trash that douche's car!
I'm sorry but just leave him