By Becca - 31/01/2010 05:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 6 months asked me to spend the night at his apartment for the first time. I had to poop really bad when I got there, so I used his only bathroom. He went after me, and came out a few seconds later, gagging. Apparently, I clogged his toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 077
You deserved it 7 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so it isn't a myth. girls really do poop. toilet-clogging poops.

Everything's bigger in Texas... except the toilets, eh?


Don_fml 0

You didn't notice you clogged the toilet? YDI.

Everything's bigger in Texas... except the toilets, eh?

No, unfortunately. The only toilets you can buy these days are the sissy water-saving ones.

azreal_13 0

I didn't know they're are/were manly toliets out there. not urinals, toliets

to #10 girls do just poop becase everyone poops. jeez it's not thatvhatd to figure out. and for the op yeahh I agree fyl :/

UziTopete 0

you must be a fat chick whom also takes big ol' dumps as well fyl lol

Scrantoncity 0

Uzi must you always post on fml trying to be smart? you used "whom" wrong two out of two times. just give up and go die

you disgust me...... plus if u were at a different place before that y didn't u use the bathroom there..... dumb-ass

WTF? Didn't you have anything else to write? Filthy bitch!

She might not have known she clogged the toilet until after. Sometimes you can flush and it seems to go down and then when it clogs it starts overflowing. If you put the lid down you may not notice it immediately. but if you take the time to wash your hands then that should be long enough.

hberri331 18

Hahahaha your a huge bitch and I feel sorry for you. News flash you shit too. Unless your a douche la ga alien. Leave Op alone. Go ahead and call me fat for calling you out because that is all your lame ass can come up with.