By ForeverAlone - 06/03/2013 22:28 - United States - O Fallon

Today, my boyfriend of a year and a half left me for another girl. Who was the only person who cared enough to comfort me? The girl he left me for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 943
You deserved it 2 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like soon the two of you will be best friends being pissed off at a third girl together.

The same thing kind of happened to me. The girl my boyfriend cheated on me with had to train me at my new job. When I found out, and confronted her, she was totally disgusted with him and embarassed of herself even though she didn't really do anything wrong. She and I ended up going shopping together pretty often. Moral of the story is: The "other woman" often is pretty much blameless and can easily be a great person, don't villainize her :)


“its okay, we can't all be me. there are winners and losers, and...uh..yeah"

feldco1 17

Sorry to hear OP but take comfort in knowing that this girl will probably be ditched also by him.

The same thing kind of happened to me. The girl my boyfriend cheated on me with had to train me at my new job. When I found out, and confronted her, she was totally disgusted with him and embarassed of herself even though she didn't really do anything wrong. She and I ended up going shopping together pretty often. Moral of the story is: The "other woman" often is pretty much blameless and can easily be a great person, don't villainize her :)

That is true, although it depends on the situation. There are situations where the guy is a sleezeball and will do anything, even lie about being in a relationship, to get sex. The girl knows about nothing and feels awful when she finds out. And then there are others where the girl slowly worms his way into his life and tries everything to seduce him or put a wedge between you two. Moral of the story is, both parties can be truly awful, machiavellian excuses of human beings, and it's not anything that the honest person on the relationship should put up with. (slight digression)

Ugh! Why? I mean why would you confide in her? I don't know what your relationship with this girl was before your break up but you should realize that she'll twist everything you say-- repeated back to him, make you seem pathetic in his eyes and allow him to think leaving you was the right decision to make. Cry, listen to some sappy love songs, write in your journal etc... It'll take time to heal that broken heart. Personally, if I was ever heart broken, I would never give that guy the power of knowing how hurt I was.

Sasha_Athena 2

You're better off without both of them

It's always upsetting to break up with someone but did he at least do it in a kind way? To me it seems he broke up with her instead of cheating with the other girl, it sucks but at least it's better? Or am I missing something?

Never have I ever met a new girl/boyfriend who cares enough to comfort the ex who was just broken hearted. I really hope she somewhat made you feel better - even if it was a little awkward.

Maybe she's just nice like that. He'll probably leave her too someday. At she seemed to acknowledge the pain he caused!

Ran out of time to edit - Should say - At least she seemed to acknowledge

I say become friends with her! I doubt anything else will be as uncomfortable as your ex-boyfriend coming home to find his new girlfriend and his ex hanging out in his house. Maybe sharing a couple of secret jokes at his expense. Hey, maybe she was brought into your life for a reason! Keep your chin up! Douche bag dudes are a dime a dozen. Now maybe you can find yourself a good guy!

Well, it's hard to say with the FML itself, but the other girl either genuinely wants to comfort you, or she's a bitch who wants to discreetly rub it in... Either way, I'm sorry, OP