By Anonymous - 29/07/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of a year told me he is at the point in his life where he is ready to start a family, get married and have a baby. He also casually stated that he wished he could meet someone he could see himself settling down with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 312
You deserved it 4 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dump him if you want him to be commited.

Well given the fact that you both can't give birth.. But yeah, that sucks.


Njord09 2

dump his ass. LoL and get a nice pretty suburban boyfriend for yourself just make sure he doesnt want to be a gangsta :). good luck buddy ^^.

obviously ydi for not bring the type he wants to settle down with.

Looks to me like that was your boyfriend's way of telling you that he's actually straight and is ready to meet a nice girl. Otherwise, I'm thinking he needs a serious reality check. Because last I looked, gay marriage is illegal in this country, and horrific "male pregnancy" fanfiction aside, two men can't have a baby together. (And liberals wonder why homosexuality is considered unnatural. Evolutionary dead end, much?) YDI.

dramakat11 0

Gay marriage is now legal in six states because people are realizing it is a horrific violation of human rights not to let gay couples marry you dumbass piece of shit. Marriage is an institution which provides benefits and rights which are beneficial to couples in long-term, committed relationships. Gay couples would benefit from marriage in the same way that straight couples do so it is unconstitutional discrimination to deny gays the right to marry. And, there is no law that says couples must have kids to get married so that's no excuse not to give gays the right. And how the **** does the fact that two men cannot conceive a child together make homosexuality immoral? You're a waste of breath. 1) Homosexuality is an inherent trait that cannot be changed just like race, so discriminating against gays is just as immoral as discriminating against people for their race. 2) Even if it were a choice, how could gay love and sex be immoral in any way, shape or form? Who are they hurting? 3) People don't have to have children to contribute to society. 4) Gay couples could adopt and provide loving homes for children in need. 5) Our species is in no danger of dying out. In fact, this earth is overpopulated. Homosexuality isn't unnatural. It has always existed in humans and animal species. Oops.

Holy-- Thank you so dearly for introducing me to this video. I love adding anti-anti-gay stuff to my arsenal. Also, the argument of homosexuality being wrong because it's unnatural is also a dead end, because... well lookie here, seems the Internet isn't so natural itself, along with the majority of things we do.

... Durrhurr, fun with double negatives. "I love adding gay stuff to my arsenal."

boatkicker 4

You love adding gay stuff to your arsenal or just your arse? (okay sorry. couldnt resist that one. I'm a big fan or wordplay and although that one was on the lame side, it also struck me as absolutely perfect.)

scott_m319 0

@#82 Mmm... no, it's lame through and through; nothing redeeming about the pun.

Casually state that you want to dump his ass.

Perhaps he is bisexual. Maybe he enjoys being with men but has decided that he ultimately wants to have a family with a woman. Makes sense to me.

dramakat11 0

Wake up and smell the roses: you are dumb piece of shit. Homosexuality is not and could never be considered immoral by any sane person's standards. So you think the responsible, right thing to do is to live a lie even though having a gay relationship hurts no one? If it's a moral crime, where's the ******* victim? Go ******* kill yourself.

ace122400 0

Wow man, I'm so sorry! I hope everything works out okay.

StealthStorm67 0

The FML people should really make sure you pick the right gender before you post. Hypothetically speaking, if this was a woman who just picked the wrong gender, then we can delete about 55 of these comments.