By Agata - 21/12/2009 16:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years announced that he is not ready for marriage, and won’t be for 'at least' another 2 years. Of course he waited to tell me this 2 days after he had proposed to me in front of hundreds of people, I said yes, and we announced it to all our family members and friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 245
You deserved it 2 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

InstaKarma 0

Maybe he is just feeling overwhelmed by the new stage your relationship has progressed to. Either way, if you two actually love each other, talk about it and maybe just have a long engagement. FYL because that is a hell of a let down.

caticaticati 3

I've known people who were engaged for a year or two before the wedding... it takes time to plan that shit and find the money for it. I wouldn't be surprised if my boyfriend proposes while we're in college and then we wait to actually get married until we've both graduated.


Messed up it may be Fill your life with other men Come back in two years

Soo....time to get a new fiance? Do you really want someone like that??? Although on second thoughts...maybe he just wanted to reel you in and trap you so you couldn't date anyone else since you're engaged...until he's "ready." Dude..FYL lol

InstaKarma 0

Maybe he is just feeling overwhelmed by the new stage your relationship has progressed to. Either way, if you two actually love each other, talk about it and maybe just have a long engagement. FYL because that is a hell of a let down.

Wow. That's awful. Even if you decide to stay engaged until he's ready, I'm guessing your family and friends already hate him for doing that.

blland 0

show him who's in charge, boss!

caticaticati 3

I've known people who were engaged for a year or two before the wedding... it takes time to plan that shit and find the money for it. I wouldn't be surprised if my boyfriend proposes while we're in college and then we wait to actually get married until we've both graduated.

roaminginsomniac 0

So, set the wedding date for January 1st 2012. Tell him you will be planning a HUGE wedding, and he has to help you. You will need that 2 years to pick out everything you want in that wedding. Two years isn't that big a deal.

Yeah, and they'll still have 12 months to celebrate it all before their untimely death.

DragonitePaladin 6

O rly? sounds like a conceited fool who eats too much crap from the media and other retards who try to stir up shit about the end of the world on Dec 2012. That's just like the Y2K crap. Grow up and learn to think for yourself fool. What a mindless sheep you are.

graciedacie 0

Humorizor, that was some funny shit. =D

AGGoddess 2

It takes a lot of time and money to put a wedding together. At least you have time to think about how you want to do things, and you can save up for the big day.

i feel you. ive been engaged for less than a month... last night my fiance decided to inform me that he would prefer not to get married for AT LEAST another 4+ years. weve already told my family that the wedding would be in two...