Old timey

By Anonymous - 06/09/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, while on a blind date, I told her in no uncertain terms that if I got married, my wife would need to be a housewife. She burst out laughing and asked, "Dude, do you even HAVE a house?" and walked out laughing when I said I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78
You deserved it 1 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"What do you bring to the table" meanwhile you don't even HAVE a table


"What do you bring to the table" meanwhile you don't even HAVE a table

jlc82 8

you didn't get everything you deserved though...she should've dumped her drink over your head and out you on blast in front of the entire bar/restaurant before she left

Vesi 29

LOL that wasn't a burn.. that was an entire BBQ!

and that is how you stay single for the rest of your life. good thing too cause do not need you breeding

No house, no girlfriend, no life, no future... best thing to do is show a bunch of internet strangers how pathetic you are. And don't get me started on the misoginy. You'll be alone until the day you die, and women everywhere will be better off for it. My advice would be for you to get hold of a couple newspapers and use them as a makeshift blanket and pillow so you can live under the nearest overpass before you start falling down incel rabbit holes.

I think the spirit of what you want is fine. IMO children really benefit from a stay at home parent. You can take solace that someone on such a different page was going to walk out eventually no matter how you phrased it.

As a pre-requisite to a relationship I think is abhorrent… like a woman expecting her future husband to earn 150k a month… insane

$150k a year is where the middle class dream begins. That's a totally reasonable wage for someone career/provider focused

What a bigoted, sexist and borderline misogynist muppet you must be. You need help dude. Thankfully I know no men personally that share your archaic views.

Better learn to cook and clean fast dude… you’re going to be alone for a loooooong time.