By Uh oh... - 19/03/2011 08:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost two years and I broke up. Earlier, we scheduled our classes for senior year to match perfectly. Can't wait. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 353
You deserved it 39 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had the same thing happen to me. Me and my boyfriend dated for three years, and we signed up for college classes together. Never again. You live and you learn.

1. I wouldn't match my shedule to my friends or bf, but to what I intend to do later....(probably better) 2. You could probably ask your teacher if you can still change it (sometimes it works, if classes havn't already started). 3. That's what you get for planning your life based on someone elses life


dcwd14 4

y'all might get back together

ZzjayrodzZ 3

I know how you feel, I did that freshman year and my ex and I broke up half way through first semester :/

boogerdragon11 0

Dudeeee, my sister did that with her ex boyfriend. Not to make you worry even more buut; she wound up coming home early everyday crying..

too bad I'm afraid of tht happening wit me n my bf :x lol

Come on, you've gotta be more interested in the subjects you choose than that. If you hate school, drop it. If you don't then get into what you're learning about and get ahead.

cresssee 0
1991j 4

sucks for u. n your bf is dumb ass he'll! !