By Uh oh... - 19/03/2011 08:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost two years and I broke up. Earlier, we scheduled our classes for senior year to match perfectly. Can't wait. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 353
You deserved it 39 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had the same thing happen to me. Me and my boyfriend dated for three years, and we signed up for college classes together. Never again. You live and you learn.

1. I wouldn't match my shedule to my friends or bf, but to what I intend to do later....(probably better) 2. You could probably ask your teacher if you can still change it (sometimes it works, if classes havn't already started). 3. That's what you get for planning your life based on someone elses life


briidontgive_ 0

Someone sounds obsessed -___- .

Live and learn OP. Just be happy you're young and in high school while learning this lesson and that it is only classes. I made the mistake of staying in my shitty hometown after high school for a boy instead of moving to NY like I had planned. Things didn't work out with the boy and I know I gave up a chance of a life time, but I learned. This is your opportunity to learn. Not gonna lie---school will be awkward, but it will fly by and then you are going to wonder where high school went and laugh about this. The main point is to learn from it :)

BabyLuis 0

that happend to me last year

Same thing happened to me senior year although we did not choose similar classes, but were just luckily (or unluckily at the end of the year) placed in the same ones. Dated for 2 years and had 6 out of 7 classes with her. Sat next to her in 5 of those classes and we broke up during the middle-end of the year. Didn't help she become sporadic and somewhat insane afterwords. it was shitty to say the least, although you should be able to change your schedule if need be.

adam_1684 0
ideasrule 13

While I don't agree that academics should have priority over every other aspect of your life, synchronizing all our classes with your boyfriend is a clear example of bad prioritizing. I highly doubt the courses you chose were the ones you most enjoyed, or the ones you're best at, or the ones that will get you into the best university/grad school. And let's face it: was it REALLY that important for you to stare at your boyfriend during class? You can't talk anyways. Was it REALLY that important for you to do homework together? I can think of much better things to do together than homework.

dani_zombie 0

Now you have to get a hot neighbor and show him you're over even though you're not...indifference wins always!

kingedoftheworld 0

I thought you were my ex when I read this but this happened to me last year it sucks I know how it goes sorry op