By cherrycokeee - 06/02/2010 18:29 - France

Today, my boyfriend of two years said he would finally take me somewhere romantic. I spent my day at a Star Wars convention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 909
You deserved it 7 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um. For two years and you still didn't know he was that much of a geek? good job paying attention. you fail

CleanSheets 0

Pft, I'm jeluz D: Star Wars is the shit


get with somone who dosent like nerd things and grow a pair, of ovaries, you call ur Zelda a woman! ha I typed ur self but it cam out Zelda some how, mlia

what if they met each other in a similar convention? isn't that romantic? after that a sex roleplay with princess Lea and Han Solo would be great.

Stalker191 0

Be thankful it wasn't Star Trek

thelovelykira 0

Aw, I think its cute :3 Even though I love Star Trek more >.> But I get why its a FML. He said somewhere romantic, a Star Wars convention isnt exactly romantic...Cool and fun, but not romantic.

jordanshawt 0

atleaat he took you somewhere. star wars isn't that bad either.

I happen to love Star Wars, and would love to go to a convention! Different strokes, I guess...

rachs1161 0

I would totally love that lol, don't complain :P

linebacker42 0

kashyyyk sorry, grammar nazi myself