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By Kelso - 06/02/2010 18:22 - United States

Today, my mother told me that the carbon-monoxide alarm went off last night, but since she didn't smell any gas, she decided to just remove the batteries and go back to bed. I had to explain to her that you can't smell carbon monoxide, and that we could have died in our sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 518
You deserved it 2 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CleanSheets 0

Your mom clearly knew you couldn't smell it, but was just looking for a way to end your life while she made her get away in the emergancy ecsape pod that she secretly had installed into her closet several years ago.


jasonsaied 1

lol I know this isn't an fml. nothing happened

Malinkrot 3

So you have to die for it to be a real FML? You better start yelling at all the other selfish alive people who have posted FML's...

amazinggbaby 2

I agree with 15, the point is that he COULD have died. It's dumb when people are so selective about what's an fml and what's not.

#1 may have a point. Perhaps we should research and write FTLs for the ones that died...

i dont mean to be a bitch, but half these FMLs aren't true and the other half are just people whining. ex: Today, I ran out of my favorite lipgloss just before the school dance. FML oh gee...your life really is ******. a ****** life is not having water, not having food, having lost a relative or a loved one, missing an opportunity of a lifetime that could've changed your life forever. and honestly this one fAKe. Those alarms arent like fire alarms..they don't been if the alarm was ringing and you were still would've died. dumbshit.

themixedt4pe 0

#53, This website is supposed to be funny. Do you really think anyone would visit if it was just a list of dead relatives, dead pets, starvation, and broken lives? P.S. My carbon monoxide detector beeps when the batteries are low so you know to replace them. Perhaps that's why they're not dead, and will know better next time. Potential death obviously isn't good enough for you. Personally, I'm GLAD the OP isn't dead.

Malinkrot 3

53, I've never seen any FML like your made up lip gloss one. And #56 is right, this is supposed to be a funny website, so get off your pretentious "no one else here knows what REAL pain is, but I do" high horse. Obviously most of these peoples lives aren't literally ******, and everyone else here knows that, so stop acting like you are the only one who realizes it and the rest of us are all naive kids who don't know what real problems are.

not yet, doesn't mean he won't be ****** up from it dumbass. just because he didn't die doesn't mean "nothing happened" you ******* idiot.

xanniefiend420 0
cuntfused 3

You sure seem like you don't mind being a bitch. Last time I checked, fire alarms don't beep randomly either, so your logic is shot to hell. For the record, people who are unable to afford the bare essentials are probably not going write about it on an FML post. If you had no food or running water, would you waste your time and money on the internet? Sounds pretty ridiculous, right?

johnsonchicklet 0

if you don't like reading the fmls just don't. no one is making you.

that is not true. it has happened to me when the carbon monoxide alarm when off randomly. we freaked out and called the police, but the alarm was malfunctioning because it was low on battery. so this is one I believe could have actually happened.

p00nhandler 0

@53 You know, if you look in the about/FAQ (I'm not sure which) it says that an FML is about what ruined your DAY. Not your life. It's about that petty little things that is screwed up and caused you inconvinience that everyone can feel and laugh that it happened to you. This site is about how you can forget about those unfortunate people for a little bit and **** off and complain about yourself. It's to enjoy what luck you have and what can go wrong with that. This site is one of those times you can relax and enjoy some self indulgance. If you don't want to do that you can get the **** out. I am not saying that we shouldn't think about those people that are less unfortunate and don't have the necessties of life such as water and shelter. Just sometimes its called taking a break. We cannot completely donate all of our time to helping everyone, in order to do that we need to trade places with them. This site is called a LUXURY, were we can complain about them. So if you don't want to take a break, you should leave.

I feel it's safe to say "#53 got pwnd"

Today, my best friend that I've known since first grade died after having very painful cancer for two years. FML

sososuckmytoe 1

If they are all fake/or just not good enough for you, stop coming here to read them all. you are the one whinning about what you read. STFU

Reyo 2

Is your mother really that thick? I just can't fit my mind around this. If she thought she could smeel it, why would there be a need for an alarm?

trizdan 0

yeah, you can only complain when you die.. otherwise STFU

@56 someone's actually going to post here if they had someone near to them die? it's supposed to be a humorous site, you're not going to hear any serious stuff here, so if you're waiting for the perfect FML, its not gunna happen

moneyman22 7

I think that the website name F My Life is very misleading. Most of these aren't going to affect you 30 years later, so it doesn't really F Your Life. I think it should be something like "This Day Sucks (TDS)" or something.

Danielt104 6

Get off this website. It's for funny things that **** up our day, not things that litterally **** our lives. So, yeah, this website isn't for you. Get off. -.-

I'm pretty sure it wasn't malfunctioning but rather giving you a warning to replace your dying batteries :)

You're lucky all you could have inherited would be a GoLd tooth

If we had no food or water i doubt we would have a computer, much less internet. You need to chill chick, no one forces you to come on this website. Why come here just to bitch?

53 is partially right. There are a lot of annoying whiny ones like the lip gloss example. Another one is: "Today, I my friend had a party and I wasn't invited. FML"

74- You're pretty. OP- That really sucks, but I'm glad you're okay.

I have no carbon monoxide director in my house o_O

starberries 0

Me neither. I have a detector, though.

geotal45 0

You wanna read stories about people's entire lives getting ruined? go watch the news, this is a comedy website.

I would like to know how you personally would feel if somebody's stupidity could've easily gotten you killed, especially somebody stupid enough to not know what carbon monoxide is specifically. Would you automatically forgive them just because you were lucky enough to survive?

TrekkieGirl 0

WTF is wrong with your mom?!? There is no way an adult with children no less, should be that much of an idiot. Glad you and your family are ok, OP. However, your mom needs an ass kicking.

the FML is not that the carbon monoxide alarm went off and the OP could have died, it's that their mom is a ******* idiot.

Wow! No offense, but your mom's an idiot.

CleanSheets 0

Your mom clearly knew you couldn't smell it, but was just looking for a way to end your life while she made her get away in the emergancy ecsape pod that she secretly had installed into her closet several years ago.

saranottelling 7

of course!!!! It all makes sense now!

CleanSheets 0

it's a gift. I just know these things

@96, why the **** would you make your name about a ******* line of sporting equipment?

cuzz my dad works with them and I like their bats....

tick_tock 0

Wow, your mom is kind of retarded. I'm glad you didn't die :D

Moms should not be allowed near mom still doesn't know how to use the DVD player we got 5 years ago.

especially asian moms. my mom called me to ask how to turn on the tv. she even had the remote XD

What the hell, where did my comment go? O:

Sun_Kissed18 25

They go away sometimes :( Sowwy

dvd175 5

It happens when u don't feed them