By lexyloo - 26/09/2011 01:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend preferred to delete his account than admit we are in a relationship on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 531
You deserved it 5 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gunmania0 12

People won't even be able to find the relationship status with the new crappy interface!

So he's embarrassed of you? I think you need a new boyfriend.


mellylicious 8

Hack his fb acc and secretly change it, then hide the post from him seeing it (: that'll teach him!

btstig 11

Not to mention that comment is way beyond a restraining order red flag. Get a life it's Facebook.

Yea cuz you know theres so much pressure in changing your relationship status

Maybe he's in the witness protection program? Even if he isn't, there's a chance he will be after the next time you see him.

Probably doesn't want the other girlfriend to find out.

yup obviously he has girls on there and hes not ready to be exclusive...I've been there...and I was right! please take my advice

Somebody please change the then to than...

Ravena_fml 1

That's good for you. He takes this relationship seriously instead of treating it like a cyber one.

I see why you would want him to do the for you. Not just so others can see but it kind of makes you feel good in a way... If that makes any sense what so ever.

mishkaroni 15

I've had google+0since beta and had thought it not to be very user friendly. However, with all the fb changes, it's looking more likely that i'll be using google+ only soon.